erbkaiser / FrozenCookies

Messing with frozen cookies
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Mod refuses to load #161

Closed HPsaucii closed 6 months ago

HPsaucii commented 6 months ago

So i have the mod correctly enabled, and ive tried both the local and steam version, but when attempting to actually load the mod, it simply dosent I suspect its due to Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' which is the error returned by VM446 frozen_cookies.js:2 which has this content

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
  <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">
  <title>Access Blocked</title>
  <link rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/index.7c3e3ebff47dd70a672ac9bb47ea4246.css' force_production='true' />
  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/" href="" />
<div id="container">
  <div id="content" class="width_wrapper">
    <div class="right insetImg">
      <img src="/images/broadband-shield-logo.png" />
    <div id="blockedtext">
      <h1 id="bbmsg">Sky Broadband Shield</h1>
      <p><span class=domain>This site</span> has been blocked by Sky Broadband Shield, which lets you choose the websites that can be seen in your home.</p>
      <p id="cacheMsg">It can take up to three minutes after saving your new settings for them to take effect.<br><br><br></p>
      <div class="dfo-settings hidden">
      <p>Your current settings are:</p>
        <div class=settings>
          <span class=thirteen></span>
          <div class=choice_content>
            <p>Suitable for teens &amp; older</p>
            <p>Effective <strong>05:30</strong> to <strong>21:00</strong></p>
        <div class=settings>
          <span class=watershed></span>
          <div class=choice_content>
            <p>Suitable for adults</p>
            <p>Effective <strong>21:00</strong> to <strong>05:30</strong></p>
      <div class="phishing-text">
        <p>If you’d like to access this website now, you can add it to your allowed list or change your age rating on your Sky Broadband Shield settings page. Otherwise you can close this window and continue browsing other websites.</p>
        <p class="new-par hidden">If you wish to view this site, you can change your settings below. Otherwise you can close this window and continue browsing other websites.</p><br>
        <div class=actions>
          <a href="" class="button choice_links choice_yes" data-tracking-custom-variables="customerStatus">Change your settings</a>
          <a href="" class="button choice_links secondary turn-off choice_no hidden" data-tracking-custom-variables="customerStatus">Switch off Sky Broadband Shield</a>
      <div class="matched-categories hidden">
        <p>The site was blocked because it matched the following categories:</p>
        <ul id=categories></ul>
        <div class=cp>
          <div id=dfo-miscat>
            <a href="" id=reportbtn class=dfo-miscat-link>Report this site</a> if you think this category is incorrect.
        <p class="cache-message hidden">If you have recently changed your Shield settings please be aware it can take a few minutes for your settings to take effect. Please restart your browser.</p>
        <p class=privacy>Sky Broadband Shield doesn't give us access to what you do online so your privacy will be protected.</p>
        <div class=internet_matters_box>
  <a href='' target='_blank'><img src="/images/internet_matters.gif" alt='internet_matters'></a>
  <p>If you want to know more about keeping your children safe online, Internet Matters is here to bring you information, advice and support.</p>

        <div class="clear"></div>
      <div id="footer">
        <img src="images/sky-logo-small.png" alt="Sky"/><span class="hidden-mobile"> and the Sky trademarks are owned by British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and Sky International AG and are used under licence.</span>
        <span class="copyright">© <script type="text/javascript">document.write(new Date().getFullYear().toString());</script> Sky UK Limited</span>
<script src="" ></script>
<script src='/assets/index.0a4f4042b240a7aac542a9e0f20c0b41.js' force_production='true'></script><script type="text/javascript" src="">

If i had to make an immediate guess, trying to load a HTML file with a .js extension isnt supposed to work

HPsaucii commented 6 months ago

Also if its relevant, im currently playing on NixOS linux via proton, but its probably not relevant, as the game is just a web wrapper iirc

erbkaiser commented 6 months ago

Sky Broadband Shield is blocking your connection. That is something on your end. Take it up with whoever controls your Internet access.

HPsaucii commented 6 months ago

well shit, thanks ig rofl