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file stored in wrong location and validation errors #1

Open arlogriffiths opened 8 months ago

arlogriffiths commented 8 months ago

Dear @michaelnmmeyer ! I inadvertently stored the first edition (DHARMA_INSparivrajaka00001.xml) for the repo at the top of the hierarchy, whereas it should have been in the texts folder. I see the derivate files have nevertheless been generated in their proper folder. Could you please move the file to its proper place and see if there are any unwanted consequences of my error that need to be polished away?

More importantly, do you understand why the file shows 7 validation errors. None of them seems justified, like the one you see in the screenshot attached. Can you make this validation trouble go away?

Capture d’écran 2024-01-10 à 18 32 18
michaelnmmeyer commented 8 months ago

I moved the file to the proper location. The file location does not matter in the new system at It still matters for Axelle's static website, though.

Can you try to reopen the file? (I just changed the schema.) I am seeing weird error messages, too, but not the same. Also, which version of Oxygen are you using? The newest one has a bug, which I reported here:

arlogriffiths commented 8 months ago


Why does the /texts/ folder have the template inside it?

I still get the same validation errors after closing and reopening. I use a 2019 version of Oxygen that I have nebver updated (just as I have never updated the OS of my Mac, which is starting to be a problem — I intend to buy a new machine soon).

michaelnmmeyer commented 8 months ago

I copied the template there as a placeholder, because git ignores empty directories. It can be deleted now.

I tried to validate the file with both Oxygen 21.1 (the old version Axelle got a license for) and Oxygen 26.0 (the latest version). In version 21.1 I get nonsensical error messages as well, but not in version 26.0. My own code produces correct validation results (, so I can only guess this is an issue with Oxygen. I have no solution for now.