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[Improvement] Validation and pre-validation merge #8

Open adam-alchemy opened 7 months ago

adam-alchemy commented 7 months ago

Some background on why we might want the concept of pre validation hooks in the first place (as opposed to just having pre/post execution hooks):

jaypaik commented 6 months ago

Related: #4

jaypaik commented 6 months ago

The following diagrams illustrate the problems and the end state we may want to get to.

Current state


This is the current state, where each execution function (e.g., foo()) can have exactly one user op validation function and/or runtime validation function assigned. There may be multiple pre validation hooks assigned for each type (pre user op validation hook or pre runtime validation hook) that run during the validation phase. Note that pre user op validation hooks are prohibited from returning an authorizer value other than 0 or 1, and only the user op validation function is allowed to return an aggregator address. The results of each hook and validation function are ANDed together.

Merging pre-validation hooks with validation functions


This is what it may look like if we merge the two components into one. Multiple validation functions are assignable to each execution function, and they are all serially run and the results ANDed to return a final result. The problem to address here is pointed out in ii. above. If more than one user op validation function returns an aggregator, how do we coalesce them?

Allowing different validation function groups to be called


With #4, we want to allow multiple validation functions to be applied to a given execution function, and be able to specify which one to run for a given call. For example, one might want to call execute by authorizing both with an EOA or a passkey, which use different validation functions from different plugins. Stacking these validation functions together and ANDing them together does not make sense in this context. We need to separate these and allow them to be called in isolation, passing validation if just the chosen validation function passes.

And with the merging of pre-validation hooks and validation functions, each of those validation functions may also have additional validation functions stacked on top within its "group". How do we install and appropriately group these validation functions? This is the problem that is pointed out in i. above.

jaypaik commented 6 months ago

Some additional thoughts...

Adding in the concept of validation function "groups" definitely increases complexity. Instead of associating "secondary" validation functions (currently known as pre validation hooks) to each "primary" validation function to form these groups, how about associating them to the execution function, so that they are executed no matter which "primary" validation function is used for the call? Something like this:

"Secondary" validation functions apply over all "primary" validation functions


There may be convincing use cases where certain logic is only applicable when routed via certain validation functions, so please comment here if you have concerns with this design.

What you might also note is that now we need to distinguish between "primary" and "secondary" validation functions:

Secondary validation functions are looking more and more like what we had defined pre validation hooks to be. Because this design warrants a difference between primary and secondary validation functions anyway, could it be that it may be simpler just to keep pre validation hooks as is?

Bringing back pre validation hooks into the design


adamegyed commented 3 weeks ago

Adding one additional benefit of not merging the two interfaces: with the naming distinction between pre-validation and validation, it is more obvious to the reader that they serve different roles. To generalize, pre-validation hooks often tend to apply permissions or restrictions on what may be done with a specific validation function, while the validation function itself provides the actual "authorization" of an action - such as a signature check or caller check (msg.sender).

If these two concepts are merged, then yes we have one fewer interface, but responsibility now shifts onto the user (or developer, library, SDK, etc) to manage these two different categories of validation functions. If, for instance, the permission-enforcing functions are added but not the "authorization" check, then anyone could perform the actions within the permission bounds. The two categories of pre-validation & validation provide some context & connotation behind what they do that is useful.

Zer0dot commented 3 weeks ago

+1 to keeping them separate. I was in the opposite camp, but the logical separation between validation and authorization makes conceptual sense to me.