Hello, I wrote stock, vol, stop sell price on excel as below.
Then I use the code below to transmit order for me. The code below can not place order on ib tws.
I think the problem might be: 'vol': float
if I change 'vol': float to 'vol': int, the code will place order to ib tws correctly.
Please advice how could I place with float quantity to ib tws. Thanks in advnace.
stock = Stock(row['stock'], 'SMART', 'USD')
# Create a market buy order and set FA information
buy_order = MarketOrder("BUY", row['vol'])
buy_order.faGroup = '20240302' # Specify the FA portfolio name
# Place the market buy order
buy_trade = ib.placeOrder(stock, buy_order)
# Create a stop sell order
stop_price = row['price'] # Get the stop sell price from the Excel file
sell_order = StopOrder("SELL", row['vol'], stop_price)
sell_order.faGroup = '20240302' # Use the same FA portfolio name
# Place the stop sell order
sell_trade = ib.placeOrder(stock, sell_order)
# Print trade information
Hello, I wrote stock, vol, stop sell price on excel as below. stock.xlsx
Then I use the code below to transmit order for me. The code below can not place order on ib tws. I think the problem might be: 'vol': float
if I change 'vol': float to 'vol': int, the code will place order to ib tws correctly. Please advice how could I place with float quantity to ib tws. Thanks in advnace.
from ib_insync import * import pandas as pd
Connect to Interactive Brokers (IB)
ib = IB() ib.connect('', 7496, clientId=1)
df = pd.read_excel('/Users/ctu1121/Downloads/stock.xlsx', dtype={'stock': str, 'vol': float, 'price': float}) #Error,might be 'vol': float
Iterate over each row in the DataFrame
for index, row in df.iterrows():
Create the contract object for the stock
Disconnect from IB