erdl / survey_display

An interface to display questions via browsers stored in a database managed by survey_admin.
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document how to deploy survey_display locally #10

Open ryantanaka opened 7 years ago

ryantanaka commented 7 years ago

document how to deploy survey_display locally

carlosparadis commented 7 years ago

Remember to include the sql_dump query to facilitate the process of deploying locally. In the future, it would be best to have a vagrant machine, but we go with what we have for now.

carlosparadis commented 7 years ago

You forgot to point here you finished this part on the wiki.

I think this should actually become a pull request for a readme file but I can do that. I actually wanted to ask you something. Whats with the insane number of dependencies?

This is the one on survey_admin (see this issue for more details). Compared to our survey_display:

pip3 install flask
pip3 install Flask-SQLAlchemy
pip3 install flask-login
pip3 install flask-limiter
pip3 install flask_wtf
pip3 install passlib
pip3 install psycopg2

Most of which are all from flask. Do we really need that insane amount?

Also, could you do a quick search on what is the best way to deploy locally projects that require a database? I wonder if there is something better than creating dumps with pg_dump.

ryantanaka commented 7 years ago

I'm not finished with it yet, i saved it when i had to restart my computer today. I'll finish it up tomorrow and post in the issues section when its done. There are still a few small details at the end that are missing/incomplete. Originally I wrote the guide assuming that we would use the master branch, but really we are working with the deployment branch and startup between the two varies ever so slightly. (master has a shell script, and deployment doesn't; also the directory structure and file names are slightly different)

As for the dependencies, I think you're right. Most of that is probably not necessary, but I can't say for sure. Tomorrow I'll try running the program with just the ones you mentioned above and see if it works.

ryantanaka commented 7 years ago

@carlosviansi okay the guide is finished here

when you try to run it, let me know where you get stuck if it doesn't work. also I'll get back to figuring out exactly which dependencies we need later since this is at normal priority

carlosparadis commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a plan. ball is on me now.


carlosparadis commented 6 years ago

I am changing this to low priority, since re-deployment has not been a big deal since then (we just had everyone in the group own a separate project). Will be re-visited later.