erdomke / InnovatorAdmin

A tool for managing Aras Innovator installations focusing on improving the import/export experience.
MIT License
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Null Reference Error when attempting login to secondary account #142

Closed kentonvk closed 8 years ago

kentonvk commented 8 years ago

When using the admin in the 'standard' mode, I used the 'Tools' tab to launch a create package, and when selecting a different login than what was currently used in the main window, and clicking the 'Next' button. I received the following error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Innovator.Client.Connection.ArasHttpConnection.Innovator.Client.Connection.IArasConnection.SetDefaultHeaders(Action2 writer) at Innovator.Client.Connection.ArasHttpConnection.<>c__DisplayClass16.<UploadAml>b__13(IHttpRequest req) at Innovator.Client.Connection.DefaultHttpService.Execute(String method, String baseUrl, QueryString queryString, ICredentials credentials, Boolean async, Action1 configure) at Innovator.Client.Connection.ArasHttpConnection.UploadAml(Uri uri, String action, Command request, Boolean async) at Innovator.Client.Connection.ArasHttpConnection.Process(Command request, Boolean async) at Innovator.Client.ConnectionExtensions.ApplyAsync(IAsyncConnection conn, Command query, Boolean async, Boolean noItemsIsError, Object[] parameters) at InnovatorAdmin.ArasMetadataProvider.Reset() at InnovatorAdmin.ExportProcessor..ctor(IAsyncConnection conn) at InnovatorAdmin.Main.set_Connection(IAsyncConnection value) at InnovatorAdmin.Controls.ConnectionSelection.GoNext()

Selecting the main database worked, and the problem resolved itself when closing and reopening the app.