erebe / wstunnel

Tunnel all your traffic over Websocket or HTTP2 - Bypass firewalls/DPI - Static binary available
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Feature request: prefix path #14

Closed Kirill888 closed 5 years ago

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have recently discovered this project and it's proving to be very useful to me. I'm planning on using this to tunnel wireguard udp traffic from behind firewall that blocks udp but allows https without proxy.

I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy with config like:

location /udp/ {
        proxy_http_version  1.1;
        proxy_set_header    Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header    Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header    Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

and run wstunnel like so: wstunnel --server ws:// --restrictTo=$wgport

And this works great, but I would like to have an option to have extra prefix before /{udp|tcp|socks5}/{host}/{port}. For my use-case it's only needed on a client side as nginx can just strip it away before passing to wstunnel server.

I'd like to be able to supply uri like this to the client: wss:// meaning

  1. Connect to
  2. Prepend /.wstunnel/ path when creating websocket

Nginx config will then look like

location /.wstunnel/ {

I can barely read Haskell, but I think this should be quite doable, toPath, parseServerInfo will need to change as well their data structures WsServerInfo,TunnelSettings.

erebe commented 5 years ago

Hello, I will try to add it this weekend as it should not be too hard to add. I will keep you informed.

BTW, how's your feeling about wireguard ? I currently use openVPN, I wanted to give a try to wireguard to use something simpler, but was demotivated by all the setup required and the no "forward" of network routes.

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

Thanks that would great.

About Wireguard: it does target "technical user" right now it seems, even with wg-quick things are pretty manual, and take some poking around to figure out for the first time. There are commercial hosted offerings and maybe they make it easier, but I haven't tried them. I do think that smoother end-user setup experience will come with time, looks like it should be much easier to develop than for things like openvpn. Once everything is running it's pretty good though, even used it on a plane on my phone (android).

I'm hoping to write down my experience of setting it up with wstunnel (does require turning off routing setup in wg-quick and doing it yourself via hooks, so not super trivial)

erebe commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback on wireguard. If you write something let me know, I would be interested to read.

I made a pre-release with your feature. By default now, the client will prepend "wstunnel" but you can customize it if needed with the new parameter option. You need to use this new versio for the server also in order for it to correctly interpret the new path prefix.

Let me know if it working for you, so that I can make a definitive release.

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

Thank you @erebe I have verified this working now. I'm using --upgradePathPrefix as a kind of "pre-shared secret" between wstunnel client and nginx proxy, to reduce abuse potential a bit. Since connection is via tls this should be ok.

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

So I have wireguard traffic working through wstunnel but looking through the logs I noticed new websocket being established every 30 seconds.

I have changed 30 to 300 here:

and recompiled client only (I'm using released binary on the server). Now it happens every 5 minutes. Does this timeout restart client regardless of network activity?

erebe commented 5 years ago

Ha yeah I forgot about that and indeed it restarts the connection. As with udp there is no way to know if the remote socket has been closed, as there is no notion of session, i have put a timeout in order to not leak connections. My thought was to be able to forward dns requests without leaking.

I can add an cli option to choose the duration of the timeout if you want, but I don't think i will go as far as implémenting one de pending on network usage.

Let me know but I will have time only later in january

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

Fair enough, different use-cases have different defaults that make sense. If command line options get too much, environment variable would be fine too. No hurry, of course. Enjoy your holidays.

erebe commented 5 years ago

Happy new year, I will add it this week-end :)

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

Hi @erebe happy new year, just wanted to let you know that I have documented my setup here:

I'm also including pre-compiled MacOS binary of wstunnel in the releases section there, hope that's ok.

erebe commented 5 years ago

We should be good You can specify -1 as timeout in order to disable it completly, in your case it should be safe.

I have updated the releases for linux and windows , but will be doing the arm one tomorrow.

Thanks for the article :) and I don't mind at all for the pre-compiled binary on your repo. If you end-up rebuilding it for MacOS from this last commit, let me know I will host it on this repo also with a link toward your article.

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

@erebe awesome, thanks for that, tested it on my mac, works like a charm, updated my script and a post with the new timeout option.

erebe commented 5 years ago

At long last, I managed to find get an arm machine is build the release for it. Thanks for the macos binary, I have included it I have also added your blog post in the readme

Thanks :)

Kirill888 commented 5 years ago

Awesome, I have updated my write up to point to your release for MacOS binary. By the way travis supports MacOS builds, if I were to get them working for wstunnel would you be interested in having that going forward. I know it could be hard if you don't use the platform, but Haskell on a mac is well supported from what I can tell, so hopefully won't be too much of a burden.