erebe / wstunnel

Tunnel all your traffic over Websocket or HTTP2 - Bypass firewalls/DPI - Static binary available
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Unsupported SOCKS version `67` #243

Closed Guiraud closed 1 month ago

Guiraud commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Firefox : when I activate the proxy on Firefox and I have this error : 2024-03-16T11:49:07.777129Z WARN wstunnel::socks5: Rejecting socks5 cnx: Unsupported SOCKS version 67.

To Reproduce on my server :

wstunnel server wss://[::]:8080

on my client :

wstunnel client -L socks5:// --connection-min-idle 5 wss://myRemoteHost:8080

The setup of my Firefox :

    Proxy HTTP: This is the loopback address, referring to the local machine itself.
        Port 8888: This is the port number configured for the proxy server.
    Using HTTPS (Also use this proxy for HTTPS): 
    This checkbox is selected, indicating the proxy should be used for HTTPS traffic as well.
    Proxy HTTPS: Same configuration as Proxy HTTP.
    Hôte SOCKS (SOCKS Host): Same as Proxy HTTP.
        Port 8888: Same as Proxy HTTP.
    SOCKS v4: This option is not selected.
    SOCKS v5: This option is selected.

Expected behavior I expecting my public address to the same as the server IP Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional information : I'm using on my local computer the v9.2.3 wstunnel compiled with rust. I didn't have any issue.

erebe commented 1 month ago


You must not set the HTTP proxy. Only socks5 should be filled image