erengy / taiga

A lightweight anime tracker for Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Anime List: Available sort columns #150

Open ConnorKrammer opened 9 years ago

ConnorKrammer commented 9 years ago

Right now there's a nice selection of columns to sort by, but there are several that are conspicuously missing: start date, end date, and tags.

End date can be roughly approximated using the last updated column, but this falls short when the show has been rewatched since its completion. Start date is fairly self-explanatory, and doesn't have a close substitute currently.

Tag sorting requires a bit of thought, because there are several ways to go about it when there are multiple tags on a show:

Even if tags don't have a fancy sort implementation, it's nice to be able to see them without going into the show's information page.

erengy commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the detailed explanations! Here's what I think:

A couple of things worth mentioning:

ConnorKrammer commented 9 years ago

Start date is useful for people like me who watch multiple shows at once, often at a fairly slow pace. This means the start order is often different than the completed order of a list of shows, as the time spans overlap each other. I agree that "start date" is somewhat ambiguous. Switching it around to "Date Started" is better, as the verb implies that the user is the one doing the starting. This would also have a nice parallel to "Date Completed" ("End Date" has the same ambiguity that "start date" does, unfortunately).

As for absolute/relative dates, I've added some of my thoughts to issue #149.

For Hummingbird users, what's your opinion on storing these dates in Taiga's database? That would give them the feature for now, and if Hummingbird ever adds support you could set the appropriate values then. I've often thought that Taiga has a great deal of potential to expand upon existing services, using them as a backend but not being limited to just their features. If this was abstracted nicely enough, integration with the various online services could be added as they support the respective features. It'd essentially be the same as writing browser polyfills, but for anime services.

ConnorKrammer commented 8 years ago

@erengy Another sort-by column that would be useful is a "last watched" column. This avoids some problems that exist when sorting by the Last Updated column—namely, that adding a score or accidentally changing a show's information will move that show to the top of the list. At least when I use the Last Updated column for sorting, I do so in order to see my shows in the order that I last watched them. I imagine that's not uncommon for other people.

erengy commented 8 years ago

Back when I first made the Anime List columns customizable, my intention was to have a Last Watched column rather than a Last Updated one. Even now, I would replace this column, if I could. But I can't, because:

ConnorKrammer commented 8 years ago

Ah, I see the problem now. Even a possible workaround, detecting when an episode change coincides with an update to the my_last_updated value, would also fail if Taiga isn't opened frequently enough (though it would provide a reasonable approximation).

I might have to implement the column in a new fork just for myself then (I basically never use MyAnimeList directly, and prefer to do everything through Taiga). I wish MyAnimeList would provide a more robust API for these things.