ereyes01 / fishcam

Live video stream of your aquarium with a raspberry pi and a Logitech c920
GNU General Public License v2.0
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instructions #1

Open marvinstuart opened 10 years ago

marvinstuart commented 10 years ago

I know in your readme notes you were going to out line better instructions . I would be very interested I have a RPI and c920 . I was to use as my web camera server to look at my CNC and 3d printer machines remotely . if possible can you send me the install instructions or I can give you accces to me pi via ssh . thank you in advance . my email is Marvin g stuart gmail

ereyes01 commented 10 years ago

Hi Marvin,

I improved the README with more step-by-step instructions. Give that a shot and see if it helps you get it working. If not let me know here where you get stuck so I can improve the instructions.

thanks, Eddy

marvinstuart commented 10 years ago

This awesome I will install tonight , I don't see the git section to pull your code in the instruction

ereyes01 commented 10 years ago

Added git clone instructions. Thanks for your feedback, the README feels slightly more respectable now :-)

Let me know how your install goes, and how helpful the instructions were.

marvinstuart commented 10 years ago

Ok doing the install now

here are my notes so far

since pip in note on raspberin by default you need to add sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev git pip install tornado needs sudo infront of it or it will not install

you might want to put to change the IP in

you can put $ cd fishcam sudo nano

to run python you might want to mention the need cd fishcam first then they can do python

Prior to running tar -cf - ./raspberry-pi | ssh pi@ "tar -xvf - && mv raspberry-pi webcam" they need to be in cd fishcam

I think i have everything installed having an issue

since i only login to my raspberry via putty when i cd fishcam and run python and then have to open another putty connection and run ./video-server 4000 unfortuatley it dont work i get the JW player on fishcam.html camera turns blue. but no video feed

i am sure i did miss a setup. will try again tomorrow

ereyes01 commented 10 years ago

and then have to open another putty connection and run ./video-server 4000 unfortuatley it dont work

Try instead: ./video-server 4000

If it still doesn't work, try the following on your server machine after having started the video-server on your raspberry pi:

$ gst-launch -q tcpclientsrc host= port=4000 protocol=1 ! 'application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264' ! rtph264depay ! queue ! h264parse ! queue ! mp4mux streamable=true fragment-duration=5 ! queue ! filesink location=./test.mp4

(Please replace the IP address with your raspberry pi's IP address)

If it works, you should see a bunch of output. Let it run about 20 seconds, then Ctrl-C to stop. If there's an error, post the output here.

Also, if it worked, you should see a new file test.mp4 in your current directory. See if you can play it with mplayer (you may need need to install it):

mplayer test.mp4

If the video recorded/played, your problem is somewhere in the python. If you encountered an error and you weren't able to record, you might be missing some gstreamer plugin or something.

marvinstuart commented 10 years ago

Error Message

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ gst-launch -q tcpclientsrc host= port=4000 protocol=1 ! 'application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding -name=(string)H264' ! rtph264depay ! queue ! h264parse ! queue ! mp4mux streamable=true fragment-duration=5 ! queue ! filesink location=./test.mp4 ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause. ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTCPClientSrc:tcpclientsrc0: Connection to refused. Additional debug info: gsttcpclientsrc.c(378): gst_tcp_client_src_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstT CPClientSrc:tcpclientsrc0

if you are not busy tomorrow we can ssh into my pi or teamviewer in to a PC to see what's happening . just email me at marvin g stuart gmail

marvinstuart commented 10 years ago

Did a fresh new install and got it to work.. when go to i seen the camera but it seem to refresh very slowly . can adjust to refresh rate

ereyes01 commented 10 years ago

Cool, glad you got it to work. Your original error of:

ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstTCPClientSrc:tcpclientsrc0: Connection to refused.

... looked like a connectivity problem to your raspberry pi- either the server wasn't running, or some networking issue was preventing you from connecting.

Not sure what to make of the smoothness of your video quality (that's what you mean by refresh rate, right?). Perhaps your network link is slow?

Kovinis commented 8 years ago

Hello, could you write tips, really close tips, how step-by-step install this program in raspberry?

ereyes01 commented 8 years ago

Hi @Kovinis. Thanks for your interest!

To be perfectly honest with you, it's been a while since I set this up originally. There have since been new Raspberry Pi models and they have addressed some of the issues I previously had to work around WRT the current draw of the c920 camera.

It might be a little while until I have time to revisit this and walk through the setup again, along the way documenting all the exact steps you're looking for. However, I'm very open to help and pull requests with better documentation! If you're brave and have some time, I guarantee that it will be a wonderful learning experience! :-) ... and it will help the others that come after you.

Thanks, Eddy