erfg12 / AOL_4.0_Emu

Emulating AOL 4.0
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Buddy System #2

Closed erfg12 closed 5 years ago

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

istarian on reddit:

A good place to look might be the sourcecode to some AOL IM clients. naim, which was a command line client and miranda im (the old one, not miranda-ng) might be a good place to take a peek. I couldn't get the latter to work with the server mentioned, but miranda connects just fine if you read the directions on the phoenix im forums/site? about a couple of settings that need adjusting.

It's not like it's got much happening but it is a real server that exists.

I mean you can always just make your own basic chat server and just provide an AOL like look on the client side, but there's nothing like a genuine experience.

P.S. ^ here's a .NET library, no idea if i's functional though.

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

Started working on this. Used a ListView initially, and labeled the users [OFF] and [ON]. Needs to change to a Treeview, and add an Offline 0/0 category too.

Since the chat system uses IRC, the buddy list does a /whois command to see if the user is online, and buddies are stored in the database.

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

Pretty much completed. Just have to finish the IM box design.

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

Added a basic version in v0.0.3