erfg12 / AOL_4.0_Emu

Emulating AOL 4.0
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Windows are oversized #52

Closed Lumanare closed 1 month ago

Lumanare commented 1 year ago

Most Windows have the top bar oversized, cutting off buttons in the process. It makes for closing windows I open to be very hard, if not impossible to close. Included is a screenshot. I'm also using the latest build available image

erfg12 commented 10 months ago

I have the top right buttons anchored to Top,Right which shouldn't allow them to go further right then they should, so that's very strange.

What is your System > Display > Display resolution and Scale set to?

Lumanare commented 10 months ago

Display Resolution is 1360x765, and I've tried others, but the issue remains.

Scale is at standard (100%)


Lumanare commented 10 months ago

Ok so the latest build has fixed the main window, yet the issue persists on some windows, such as browser pages.

Display settings are the same as above. image

erfg12 commented 10 months ago

I tested on 1360x768 which is pretty close and didn't have any issues on latest build. I made some modifications and pushed them just now. If you could please test this one.

Lumanare commented 10 months ago

Looks like that fixed it up! Now everything looks to be in order fully! sorry if I caused any inconveniences with all this; I was just wondering originally why it didnt seem to work.
