erfg12 / AOL_4.0_Emu

Emulating AOL 4.0
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Chat Rooms List #6

Closed erfg12 closed 5 years ago

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

Depends what system we end up going with. If we go with IRC, this should be simple.

This window opens when you click on the Welcome Chat icon.

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

chat_room file uses a method for getting HTML code and parsing it to get categories and channel names from snoonet IRC community page on their site.

Double clicking on channel name joins the IRC chat channel.

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

Now I just have to finish the form designing and how the users list updates when a person joins or leaves.

erfg12 commented 5 years ago

Just fixed the users list not being properly separated per room. Also added the theme styling for chatroom list and chatroom chat. Need to double check everything is up to par and working correctly before releasing this new version.

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erfg12 commented 5 years ago