This command is not being executed: no message is displayed but doesnt return an error either
else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "commands") == 0)
trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, "print \"^3===^1COMMANDS^3===\n\n/jetpack <--- put on a jetpack\n/knockmedown <--- knock yourself down\n/drop <--- drop your saber or current weapon\n/showmotd <--- see the MOTD\n/freezemotd <--- show MOTD for infinite time\n/HideMOTD <--- hide the MOTD\n/engage_forceduel <--- duel with force powers\n/engage_meleeduel <--- duel with only melee moves (requires plugin)\n/engage_trainingduel <--- engage in a private training session\n/endduel <--- end training duel session\n/who <--- show all clients + their status\n/chatcolor <--- SAY_ALL in a different color\n/togglechat <--- toggle teamchat mode\n+button12 <--- grappling hook\n/ignore (client) <--- ignore a clients chat text\n/clansay <--- speak to clan members\n/adminsay <--- speak to admins\n/report <--- report something to an admin\n/refuseduels <--- toggle refusing duels on/off\n/telemark <--- mark your origin and yaw for /teleport\n/servertime <--- view the server's time\n/saber <--- change your saber(s)\n/cmlogin <--- login to the local DB\n/cmregister <--- register your player name\n/cmstats <--- check your DB stats\n\n\"" );
This command is not being executed: no message is displayed but doesnt return an error either