I have managed to successfully run through the project on Windows 10 and generated a bm_settings file which I am using to help generate a pointcloud 3D object. For some reason though the bm_settings and pointcloud files don't save with file extensions. I am under the impression that the pointcloud should have .glb extension but I'm not sure about the bm_settings file. For now I am trying to generate the pointcloud without a settings file extension and I am unable to visualise the object. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I have managed to successfully run through the project on Windows 10 and generated a bm_settings file which I am using to help generate a pointcloud 3D object. For some reason though the bm_settings and pointcloud files don't save with file extensions. I am under the impression that the pointcloud should have .glb extension but I'm not sure about the bm_settings file. For now I am trying to generate the pointcloud without a settings file extension and I am unable to visualise the object. Any help would be greatly appreciated