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Multiple wallets for one Twitter account #76

Open WalrusDAO opened 1 year ago

WalrusDAO commented 1 year ago

I was told we could have multiple wallets to match one Twitter verified account. Dunno how to do that. I minted an NFT for Art House and Tiger & Magpie. Both link ed to the Walrus DAO twitter account. Then Degen Divers has two minting addresses. Please help. Thanks ^^

maritsaart commented 1 year ago

Same question.

Current minting addr, linked to twitter @maritsaart: 9gsi...hFqJ

Can't link to same twitter:

anon-real commented 1 year ago

That's not possible due to security reasons. Each twitter account can be linked to only one wallet.

Zimulakra commented 1 year ago

Maybe we can have some sort of endorsement option where verified accounts can vouch for their alternate minting wallet, or another artist that they believe is a good actor.

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago


It seems to work for me, I linked my Lycans labs and Lycan trope profiles to the same twitter account, but seperate wallets.

Either that or I am sorely mistaken, but it does seems to work fine, so have. Footnote, have minted only on one of two wallet accounts.

maritsaart commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 I found this profile with linked twitter which one is the second one?

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago

Maybe Im misunderstanding, but I linked them both to the same twitteraccount.

maritsaart commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 I checked again. It didn't work two days ago, and it doesn't work now. After clicking on the Verify button AH disconnects my tokenart wallet, and I get returned to the homepage logged out.

Then, based on the words of @anon-real, you are lucky 😃 with two acc with one twitter

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago

This may explain why verifying my collections properly wont work 🤦

I will have get back behind my laptop soon and check this.

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago

Maybe Im misunderstanding, but I linked them both to the same twitteraccount.

I checked again. Can't verify. Think this is the same issue. Unverified, no problem. Verifying doesn't work.

anon-real commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 you have probably connected your twitter soon after we released. There was an issue that let users connect multiple wallets to one twitter account.

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago

@anon-real Can I ask why multiple wallets to one twitter poses a problem (without the technicals)?

For me, as a layman in dev, I can reason this only the way of having multiple wallets and 1 twitter.

For already ongoing projects having a 1on1 setup, does create a problem regarding their setup. In the most extreme, these project could loose credibility, because there are multiple twitter accounts having to be linked and such a dilution of online focus to 1 project or personal twitter account.

Additionally, I can imagine, having to have one twitter account attaching to one wallet/project, could create Bro-like faking.


anon-real commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 Why would an artist need to have multiple wallets (other than faking to be different persons like Bro?) With the current standard, each wallet can have as many collections as needed. So no need to have different wallets for different collections.

WalrusDAO commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 Why would an artist need to have multiple wallets (other than faking to be different persons like Bro?) With the current standard, each wallet can have as many collections as needed. So no need to have different wallets for different collections.

I have collections with three separate addresses (Degen Divers, Tiger & Magpie, and Art House). It would be very confusing to have one wallet share these collections. For each one, the royalties are shared with different artists.

anon-real commented 1 year ago

Technically, the artist of an artwork is defined by the wallet address. So having different wallets connected to the same twitter account will create the false assumption that the artist of different artworks are the same (while may not be due to being minted by different wallets).

So this opens some compatibility issues. Let's say a new maketplace comes into the picture without supporting twitter (for whatever reason). Now in Auction House, we show the artist of two different artworks as one (since they are connected to the same twitter while being minted with different wallets) but that new marketplace (rightfully) shows two different artists. I'd like to avoid future compatibility issues.

Twitter should be viewed only as a step to avoid scams. User (artist) is only defined by wallet.

anon-real commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 Why would an artist need to have multiple wallets (other than faking to be different persons like Bro?) With the current standard, each wallet can have as many collections as needed. So no need to have different wallets for different collections.

I have collections with three separate addresses (Degen Divers, Tiger & Magpie, and Art House). It would be very confusing to have one wallet share these collections. For each one, the royalties are shared with different artists.

Why would it be confusing. The wallet is the user, the user (you as artist) has three different collections. Royalties are per artwork and it doesn't have to be the same across different collections (or even within one collection).

WalrusDAO commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 Why would an artist need to have multiple wallets (other than faking to be different persons like Bro?) With the current standard, each wallet can have as many collections as needed. So no need to have different wallets for different collections.

I have collections with three separate addresses (Degen Divers, Tiger & Magpie, and Art House). It would be very confusing to have one wallet share these collections. For each one, the royalties are shared with different artists.

Why would it be confusing. The wallet is the user, the user (you as artist) has three different collections. Royalties are per artwork and it doesn't have to be the same across different collections (or even within one collection).

The three projects I already have have different wallet addresses. The royalties are distributed manually. The Auction House should accommodate old projects in some way. It's simpler for me to have separate addresses, as the funds from each project are in separate baskets (wallets), which makes things easier to keep track of.

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 Why would an artist need to have multiple wallets (other than faking to be different persons like Bro?) With the current standard, each wallet can have as many collections as needed. So no need to have different wallets for different collections.

@anon-real I can think of several reasons actually. For me personally, it was to truelly seperate my Lycan Trope and Lycan Labs collections both within SH and to keep a clear administrative flow/overview. In the long run and with the multiple wallet royalty setup (awesome feature btw), I can even think about a reason why I want to create a third wallet, for instance Lycan Commissions or something like that.

I think the administrative flow is what @WalrusDAO is referring to in his post, as well.

The Bro-experience was just crap, and the search for a way to secure authenticity (because that what it is about) is needed. So we agree on that. However, if you truelly want to fake, all you need to do is make seperate twitter account (which I believe Bro did as well), verify that collection, pay the fee, and off you go. Faking/frauding is a game of administrative balances; what are the gains and benefits as opposed to the losses and risks. If the gains and benefits outweigh the losses and risks, faking is a rewarding game for those who think that is a fair way to make some money.

So I basically don't see how one twitter account with multiple wallets attached, solves that problem. I'd argue in reverse to your argument, that having one twitter account with multiple wallets is safer. Simply because it is easier to track down the original creater of the artwork.

Technically, the artist of an artwork is defined by the wallet address. So having different wallets connected to the same twitter account will create the false assumption that the artist of different artworks are the same (while may not be due to being minted by different wallets).

So this opens some compatibility issues. Let's say a new maketplace comes into the picture without supporting twitter (for whatever reason). Now in Auction House, we show the artist of two different artworks as one (since they are connected to the same twitter while being minted with different wallets) but that new marketplace (rightfully) shows two different artists. I'd like to avoid future compatibility issues.

Twitter should be viewed only as a step to avoid scams. User (artist) is only defined by wallet.

This is a more valid reason. However, there is a fallesy in this reasoning as well. The wallet address only defines the minter of the artwork. For example, ErgoChampions mints work from Bananawarrior, WalrusDAO mints work from several artists. In this, it is up to the artist to claim his work in another way (signature, royalties, and social media). This is why I love the concept of royalties for graphical artwork. In the non-crypto scene, an artist often has to distance him- or herself from the artwork created and cannot claim any income or royalties attached.

Next to that, the compatibility issues have already arrisen with the possibility of being able to verify collections on seperate wallet, but still being able to use the same twitter account (simply because there is no direct technical link between the wallet and the twitter account). Compatibility issue by ommision if you will.

So the 'Why should...' or 'Why shouldn't it...' goes both ways.

I know you guys have done a ton of work, and again, a lot of kudo's for that. The result is amazing and I certainly don't want to flame against any of that. These are practicalities that have conflicting ideas on 'paper' and in practice.

maritsaart commented 1 year ago


A rather strange position in the reality of the crypto winter, the NFT hype 2021 has long ended for all cryptocurrencies. Yes, we need to move forward (in AH), but do it with backward compatibility for the authors of already created NFTs (two+ years of work!!!).

For OG, exceptions must be made in the account model AHv3 "1 twitter - only 1 address".

Offtopic Moreover, in my case, out of 45 collections, only 3 are completed, the NFTs was minted at different addresses (see issue #48). The new collection standard is also created without backward compatibility. I believe that in the current realities (low/zero volumes, no new artists) this is the wrong approach.

Solution: for backward compatibility when minting a collection, the author should be given the opportunity to add a list of previously minted NFTs (just a list of IDs).


anon-real commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 I see your points. Let me think a bit more about if linking the same twitter to different wallets will raise other potential security issues. I'll keep everyone updated here soon.

Please keep in mind that I'm just trying to be rigorous in these topics to avoid potential issues. But the end goal after all is for artists and users to enjoy using the platform, so I'm open to any suggestions as long as it's not just a lazy solution (which may give the feeling that problem is solved, but more issues will arise in the future). Particularly, I'm talking about @maritsaart remarks about collections not being backward compatible -- there was no standard to be backward compatible for. Technically, the proposed solutions (just showing metadata in the UI) is easy and may seem to solve the issue. But tons of issues will arise in the future, as I have discussed on Twitter.

anon-real commented 1 year ago

@anon-real "there was no standard to be backward compatible for" - and who is stopping you from making changes or making a second / third version of the standard? You are an author and developer of this EIP.

"Technically, the proposed solutions (just showing metadata in the UI)" I don't understand the passage about UI. I propose to store the list of NFT IDs on the blockchain in an AHv3 collection token (or something similar). Yes, there could be problems. For example, with the scam attempt to add NFTs from other authors. But this can be solved at the creation stage - allow only those NFTs that was minted on the addressES (1+!) associated with the account.

There is an example of a token with a list of IDs in my amateur MVP for the "Collection token" and the "Linked storage" (autumn 2022): Token with list of tokenIDs in [R5], Tx

Offtopic Collection Token - on-chain svg in [R9] with JS script which use data from token with a list of IDs, loading and showing all images as grid (see screenshot). With this MVP I tried to solve two problems:

  1. somehow bypass the 4Kb limit for on-chain image storage (for more or less interesting images, I need 10-25Kb);
  2. somehow organize tokens from collections minted before the adoption of the EIP-0034 standard (I have 40+ collections in different styles).

Full version on Discord: MVP, why MVP and why stopped Some explanations: vulnerabilities, expl2, why stop


@maritsaart blockchain is permissionless, we can not enforce people not to do something in the UI only. Contracts should enforce that.

This is getting out of scope for this issue. Please open other issues for other things other than twitter being linked to multiple accounts.

maritsaart commented 1 year ago

Yeah, sorry, moved to issue #48 [will be deleted]

Lycan2022 commented 1 year ago

@Lycan2022 I see your points. Let me think a bit more about if linking the same twitter to different wallets will raise other potential security issues. I'll keep everyone updated here soon.

Please keep in mind that I'm just trying to be rigorous in these topics to avoid potential issues. But the end goal after all is for artists and users to enjoy using the platform, so I'm open to any suggestions as long as it's not just a lazy solution (which may give the feeling that problem is solved, but more issues will arise in the future). Particularly, I'm talking about @maritsaart remarks about collections not being backward compatible -- there was no standard to be backward compatible for. Technically, the proposed solutions (just showing metadata in the UI) is easy and may seem to solve the issue. But tons of issues will arise in the future, as I have discussed on Twitter.

@anon-real Thank you! I'm certainly not pro quick or one-sided fixes if these compicates things in the long run. Only effective optimal fixes for all parties shouls count.

Good luck deliberating 😉

Lycan2022 commented 12 months ago

@anon-real I know you and the team have been busy working. Lots of thanks and kudos. I was just wondering if this has been considered as well? Since we had a nice discussion about it.
