Closed arianmaykon closed 8 years ago
I don't think wiki tutorial uses ziggurat? I will be looking into this issue as soon as possible, also @arianmaykon can you check if this happens on trunk version? I've been correcting some problems directly related to mysql.
@arianmaykon - I've released 0.6.3 on pypi - I ran all tests from this version on mysql and they all passed so I'm closing this.
Feel free to reopen if you still have problems on latest release.
@ergo Ok, thanks a lot. I know the Wiki2 tutorial dont use ziggurat, but i was trying out with it. Thanks.
@ergo sorry, i've upgraded zigurat but the error persists, i've made some fixes on the migrations (i know its not a good practice, but what can we do? I'm not very experienced with Python and its tools, maybe its my environment or my alembic version?
Here's the output of my pip list
$VENV/bin/pip list
alembic (0.8.6)
anykeystore (0.2)
bcrypt (2.0.0)
beautifulsoup4 (4.4.1)
cffi (1.5.2)
Chameleon (2.24)
coverage (4.0.3)
defusedxml (0.4.1)
docutils (0.12)
Jinja2 (2.8)
Mako (1.0.4)
MarkupSafe (0.23)
mysqlclient (1.3.7)
oauthlib (1.0.3)
paginate (0.5.3)
paginate-sqlalchemy (0.2.0)
passlib (1.6.5)
PasteDeploy (1.5.2)
pip (8.1.1)
py (1.4.31)
pycparser (2.14)
Pygments (2.1.3)
pymlconf (0.3.21)
pyramid (1.6.1)
pyramid-basemodel (0.3.4)
pyramid-chameleon (0.3)
pyramid-debugtoolbar (2.4.2)
pyramid-fullauth (0.5.0)
pyramid-jinja2 (2.6.2)
pyramid-localize (0.1.0)
pyramid-mako (1.0.2)
pyramid-tm (0.12.1)
pytest (2.9.1)
pytest-cov (2.2.1)
python-editor (1.0)
python3-openid (3.0.10)
PyYAML (3.11)
repoze.lru (0.6)
requests (2.9.1)
requests-oauthlib (0.6.1)
setuptools (20.9.0)
six (1.10.0)
slugify (0.0.1)
SQLAlchemy (1.0.12)
transaction (1.4.4)
translationstring (1.3)
tzf.pyramid-yml (1.0.1)
velruse (1.1.1)
venusian (1.0)
waitress (0.9.0)
WebOb (1.6.0)
WebTest (2.0.21)
ziggurat-foundations (0.6.3)
zope.deprecation (4.1.2)
zope.interface (4.1.3)
zope.sqlalchemy (0.7.6)
I'll make a PR with the migrations fixes if you decide its a good idea to merge them. Let me know if you need anything.
What happens if you do:
DB_STRING="mysql+mysqlconnector://user:pass@" py.test ziggurat_foundations/
Are the tests passing for you?
I tried running the testsuite on Mysql 5.6.28 and all tests passed - including migrations.
Sorry for this, but how do i run the tests? Did not find instructions on the repo files.
Here's what i have tryied:
cd ziggurat_foundations
pyenv shell 3.5.1
python -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/python develop
DB_STRING="mysql+mysqlconnector://root@" py.test ziggurat_foundations/
but it gives me:
zsh: command not found: py.test
its not in .venv/bin
I have tried that too:
but it returns:
find: -printf: unknown primary or operator
./ line 9: rstcheck: command not found
RST_CHECK: ./ line 9: rstcheck: command not found
You almost got it.
after you run the command:
venv/bin/python develop
run this:
source venv/bin/activate
this should active the virtual environment in your shell,
then you need to install
pip install
to get the mysql driver from Oracle.
DB_STRING="mysql+mysqlconnector://root@" py.test ziggurat_foundations/
should work then.
Ok... I replicated the problem on 5.7.12, the tests stopped working.
@arianmaykon I've merged your fix, can you make a PR and update AUTHORS file with your name? If you do this I will release 0.6.4 to pypi. Thank you very much. I would still advise to use postgresql, they don't have that kind of weird changes across versions :-)
@ergo i did run source venv/bin/activate
but forgot to mention, sorry.
Ok, ill make the change, thanks a lot.
@arianmaykon 0.6.4 is now released to pypi. Thank you.
Following on the Wiki2 Pyramid Tutorial gives some errors on the initial migration step ($VENV/bin/alembic upgrade head).
I'm using Python 3.5.1 and Pyramid 1.6.1, here's the output: