Purchase Transaction XYZ-B Received & Processing (this is after the purchase tx has confirmations and the tokens are being sent back to the user, and are in the mempool)
Purchase Transaction XYZ-B Completed
Purchase Transaction XYZ Failed, Refunding
Purchase Transaction XYZ Refunded
Open Pack Transaction XYZ Submitted
Open Pack Transaction XYZ Received & Processing
Open Pack Transaction XYZ Complete
Open Pack Transaction XYZ Failed, Refunding
Open Pack Transaction XYZ Refunded
Sale XYZ Submitted to XYZ Mempool
Sale XYZ Minting
Sale XYZ Failed, Refunding
Sale XYZ Refunded
Sale XYZ Minting complete, ready to bootstrap (link to management panel)
Please note that XYZ will be a link to the transaction, but those transactions will differ whether its the user-submitted transaction or the sale wallet responding to that after its confirmed.