check.analysis(data, analysis) returns FALSE when a substring of a analysis channel is used as analysis input
e.g in vignette
GetTable(data, type = type) at [processing.R#127]()
-> Analyses(sars) would be: ("kinetics.Mock" "kinetics.SARS")
Fehler in GetTable(data, type = type) :
Type count is neither a mode.slot nor an analysis name!
check.analysis(data, analysis) returns FALSE when a substring of a analysis channel is used as analysis input
e.g in vignette PlotScatter(sars,type="kinetics","Mock.Half-life","SARS.Half-life",log=T)+geom_abline() ...calls GetTable(data, type = type) at [processing.R#127]() ...calls check.analysis(sars,'kinetics') FALSE -> Analyses(sars) would be: ("kinetics.Mock" "kinetics.SARS") ... Fehler in GetTable(data, type = type) : Type count is neither a mode.slot nor an analysis name!