erhard-lab / price

Improved Ribo-seq enables identification of cryptic translation events
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Unable to run price package #13

Open HiteshKore opened 3 years ago

HiteshKore commented 3 years ago


I want to use PRICE to analyze my Ribo-Seq data. I am trying to run PRICE on the HPC but, I am getting following error-

gedi -e Price -reads /working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Riboseq_analysis/RAWDATA/HT293T/outdir/SRR8449584_LTM_rep1Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -genomic homo_sapiens.99 -prefix /working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Riboseq_analysis/RAWDATA/HT293T/outdir/price/ -progress -plot -nthreads 10 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -XX:+UseSerialGC 2020-12-07 15:44:35.565 INFO OS: Linux 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 amd64 2020-12-07 15:44:36.269 INFO Java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_151-b12 2020-12-07 15:44:36.437 INFO Discovering classes in classpath 2020-12-07 15:44:36.638 INFO Preparing simple class references 2020-12-07 15:44:36.785 INFO Gedi version 1.0.2 (JAR) startup 2020-12-07 15:44:36.831 INFO Command: gedi -e Price -reads /working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Riboseq_analysis/RAWDATA/HT293T/outdir/SRR8449584_LTM_rep1Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -genomic homo_sapiens.99 -prefix /working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Riboseq_analysis/RAWDATA/HT293T/outdir/price/ -progress -plot -nthreads 10 2020-12-07 15:44:36.831 INFO Price version 1.0.3b 2020-12-07 15:44:36.949 SEVERE Could not load startup FxStartup.class in /mnt/lustre/working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Tools/price-master/Price_1.0.3b/gedi.jar 2020-12-07 15:44:37.320 INFO Reading oml /mnt/backedup/home/hiteshK/.gedi/genomic/homo_sapiens.99.oml 2020-12-07 15:44:37.336 INFO Done reading oml /mnt/backedup/home/hiteshK/.gedi/genomic/homo_sapiens.99.oml 2020-12-07 15:44:39.036 INFO Collect signal to noise data \ Collecting signal to noise data 2-:220892493-220892533 2752 (966.0/sec)2020-12-07 15:44:41.910 INFO Writing codon index | Collecting signal to noise data 3+:113828181-113947174 3109 (923.4/sec) \ Collecting signal to noise data 4+:88183084-88183133 3992 (634.7/sec) | Viewer indices 14-:74065190-74065193 130210 (38240.8/sec) \ PRICE PRICE is an analysis method for Ribo-seq data.

Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not run gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference@123b461 Could not run gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference@123b461 Exception in parallel iterator thread! 0

gedi -e PRICE

General: -reads The mapped reads from the ribo-seq experiment. -prefix The prefix used for all output files -genomic The indexed GEDI genome.

Commandline: -progress Show progress -D Verbose output of errors -h Show usage -hh Show verbose usage -hhh Show extra verbose usage -dry Dry run -keep Do not remove temp files

2020-12-07 15:44:45.431 INFO Finished: gedi -e Price -reads /working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Riboseq_analysis/RAWDATA/HT293T/outdir/SRR8449584_LTM_rep1Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -genomic homo_sapiens.99 -prefix /working/lab_harsgag/hiteshK/Riboseq_analysis/RAWDATA/HT293T/outdir/price/ -progress -plot -nthreads 10 2020-12-07 15:44:45.435 INFO Took 9s 999ms

Any assistence would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Kind regards, Hitesh