erhard-lab / price

Improved Ribo-seq enables identification of cryptic translation events
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Error: / by zero #16

Open StevenVerbruggen opened 2 years ago

StevenVerbruggen commented 2 years ago

Hi Florian, Not sure whether you are still actively working on the PRICE tool. But it would be very helpful if I could have some feedback on the following error I occurred. I was running PRICE on a dataset we recently acquired to pinpoint down alternative ORFs. The dataset has around 23 million alignments. You can find the complete error message below:

2022-04-22 12:04:02.007 INFO Command: gedi -e Price -reads /data/steven/OHMX/OHMX20210089_Enara/full_ribo/OHMX20210089_003/STAR/fastq1/price_untreat.bam -genomic homo_sapiens_105 -prefix /data/steven/OHMX/OHMX20210089_Enara/full_ribo/OHMX20210089_003/tmp/PRICE/output -nthreads 1 -fdr 0.1 -D
2022-04-22 12:04:02.294 INFO Discovering classes in classpath
2022-04-22 12:04:02.462 INFO Preparing simple class references
2022-04-22 12:04:02.602 INFO Gedi 1.0.2 (JAR) startup
2022-04-22 12:04:02.838 INFO Reading oml /home/steven/.gedi/genomic/homo_sapiens_105.oml
2022-04-22 12:04:02.849 INFO Done reading oml /home/steven/.gedi/genomic/homo_sapiens_105.oml
2022-04-22 12:04:05.047 INFO Estimating maxpos...
2022-04-22 12:04:05.087 INFO Clustering reads
2022-04-22 12:07:23.765 INFO Found 120555 clusters without looking at annotation
2022-04-22 12:07:25.078 INFO Found 31349 clusters after looking at annotation
2022-04-22 12:07:25.193 INFO Found 15410 clusters after filtering with read/region count
2022-04-22 12:07:27.217 INFO Using maxpos=13 (Merged)
2022-04-22 12:07:27.219 INFO Estimate parameters
2022-04-22 12:32:10.233 INFO LL=-4.84451e+07
2022-04-22 12:32:10.296 INFO Codon inference
2022-04-22 12:38:04.878 INFO Writing codon index
2022-04-22 12:38:04.881 INFO Train start prediction
2022-04-22 12:38:04.880 INFO Calibrate noise model
2022-04-22 12:38:08.780 INFO Writing viewer index
2022-04-22 12:38:13.385 INFO Considering 9798 ORFs for start training
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2699.2
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2699.2
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2690.2
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  14 iterations: 2689.6
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2700.3
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2700.3
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2683.7
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  13 iterations: 2683.7
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2699.4
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2699.4
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2679.5
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2679.5
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2696.6
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  11 iterations: 2696.6
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2685.0
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2685.0
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2700.1
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  11 iterations: 2700.1
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2677.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2677.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2694.0
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2678.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2678.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2702.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2702.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2684.1
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  11 iterations: 2684.1
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2699.0
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 2699.0
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 4158.9
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 2684.4
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  13 iterations: 2684.3
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 7477.7
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after   9 iterations: 4840.6
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: initial function value: 7477.7
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  10 iterations: 4809.8
[GediProgram-1-thread-20] INFO smile.math.Math - L-BFGS: the function value after  12 iterations: 4809.8
2022-04-22 12:38:14.771 INFO Infer ORFs
PRICE is an analysis method for Ribo-seq data.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not run gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference@78280a71
Could not run gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference@78280a71
Exception in parallel iterator thread!
/ by zero

gedi -e PRICE <Options>

 -reads <reads>        The mapped reads from the ribo-seq experiment.
 -prefix <prefix>      The prefix used for all output files
 -genomic <genomic>    The indexed GEDI genome.

 -progress             Show progress
 -D                    Verbose output of errors
 -h                    Show usage
 -hh                   Show verbose usage
 -hhh                  Show extra verbose usage
 -dry                  Dry run
 -keep                 Do not remove temp files

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not run gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference@78280a71
        at gedi.util.program.GediProgram$1.execute(
        at executables.Price.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not run gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference@78280a71
        at gedi.util.program.GediProgramJob.execute(
        at gedi.util.program.GediProgramJob.execute(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in parallel iterator thread!
        at gedi.util.functions.ParallelizedIterator.fatal(
        at gedi.util.functions.ParallelizedIterator.tryNext(
        at gedi.util.functions.ParallelizedIterator.hasNext(
        at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
        at gedi.riboseq.utils.RiboUtils.lambda$processCodonsSink$4(
        at gedi.riboseq.utils.RiboUtils.processCodons(
        at gedi.riboseq.utils.RiboUtils.processCodonsSink(
        at gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference.execute(
        at gedi.util.program.GediProgramJob.execute(
        ... 7 more
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
        at jdistlib.math.spline.SmoothSpline.formKnots(
        at jdistlib.math.spline.SmoothSpline.fitDFMatch(
        at gedi.riboseq.inference.orf.NoiseModel.computeMeanSpline(
        at gedi.riboseq.inference.orf.NoiseModel.getProbability(
        at gedi.riboseq.inference.orf.NoiseModel.getProbability0(
        at gedi.riboseq.inference.orf.OrfInference.inFrameTestCandidate(
        at gedi.riboseq.inference.orf.OrfInference.inFrameTest(
        at gedi.riboseq.inference.orf.OrfInference.inferOrfs(
        at gedi.riboseq.javapipeline.PriceOrfInference.lambda$null$1(
        at gedi.util.FunctorUtils$DemultiplexIterator.lookAhead(
        at gedi.util.FunctorUtils$DemultiplexIterator.hasNext(
        at gedi.util.FunctorUtils$PeekIterator.hasNext(
        at gedi.util.FunctorUtils$SideEffectIterator.hasNext(
        at gedi.util.functions.ExtendedIterator.toCollection(
        at gedi.util.functions.ParallelizedIterator$

Any idea what could cause this error? Best, Steven