[x] Ensure all changes are underlined (please DO NOT use the track changes facility in Word)
[x] Please provide an electronic copy of everything including your response to the reviewers.
[x] For all authors, please give their qualifications (eg MD, FRCS) and appointments (eg Orthopaedic Surgeon, Research Fellow), as well as their contribution to the paper, i.e. statistical analysis, writing the paper, on the title page.
[x] Full postal addresses should be given for all author institutions on the title page.
[x] Ensure the references are numbered correctly and run sequentially through the text.
[x] All abbreviations should be spelt out in the first instance in the text.
[x] The town/city, county and country should be cited where manufacturers are mentioned in the text.
[x] Where percentages are used, ensure absolute numbers are given.
[x] Where percentages or numbers are used in the text, please double check them and cross reference to tables, to ensure that they are all accurate.
[x] Please ensure British spelling is used in text and figures (i.e. orthopaedic, tumour), with the exception of ‘ize’ (i.e. randomized).
[x] All figures need to be uploaded at resubmission.
[x] Please ensure that any radiographs, photographs or histology are submitted as high quality (minimum 300 dpi (pixels/inch) resolution) originals (as a tiff/JPEG). Where possible, radiographs should be supplied unmarked except where explanation is necessary, i.e. without extraneous additions such as dates.
[x] Please split composite images into their separate components, i.e. figures a, b and c should be supplied as stand-alone files.
[x] Check that all figure captions are present and match the figure in question – they should be provided at the end of the paper.
[x] Please ensure decimal points are presented as points, rather than commas.
[x] Graphs should be presented in an editable format (i.e. EPS, excel or powerpoint) on a plain background, without gridlines (the background for flow charts should also be plain). Where editable versions cannot be provided, please ensure arial, or similar, font (8 point) has been used, where possible
[x] Graphs with a single line should be provided in black and white, however colour can be used if this is more appropriate.
[x] Both x and y axes should be captioned with a description of the data presented.
[x] If confidence intervals have been included in the paper, please could these be added to graphs.
Please note
[x] Your proofs will be sent to you as via email, please ensure that you include a valid email address with your resubmission to avoid delay at a later date.