eric-bixby / auto-sort-bookmarks-webext

Firefox add-on to sort bookmarks by multiple criteria
GNU General Public License v3.0
112 stars 21 forks source link

Add back delay before sorting folders #30

Closed michaelalandover closed 7 years ago

michaelalandover commented 8 years ago

I use your bookmark sorting in conjunction with Xmarks to provide most recent clippings to my students, but now after adding it to new computer with v38 of Firefox, can't seem to get the sorting to do it in reverse order. I don't see any way of changing any options except for whether or not to autosort. I want reverse sort by date created.

eric-bixby commented 8 years ago

If you select 'Tools' menu, select 'Add-ons', select 'Preferences' button under 'Auto-Sort Bookmarks', then you should get a screen like the following:


Set the 'Sort by' to 'Date Added' and set check-box for 'Inverse Order'.

michaelalandover commented 8 years ago

Bingo on my windows 10 with version and latest firefox, thanks! Send me link for a donation, thanks! For some reason, on the university mandated version 38 of firefox at work, which doesn’t allow updates, those options aren’t showing! The only option that shows is automatic or not and the further options just plain don’t show.

I have disabled the sorting at work, so bookmarks I add at work show up at the bottom of the list of bookmarks, even though they are the latest added. When I open at home, it will import from xmarks the lastest list and sort it with latest at top and then update xmars, but that means a delay and times when my bookmarks aren’t sorted properly.

I’ve asked our tech support for permission to use later version of firefox.

Send me a link and I’ll make a contribution; great program! I used sort places for a long time.

Absoilutely amazing firefox and other programs includilng the new EDGE don’t do this inside the brower.

It does seem to use a lot of memory; usualy firefox is under 300mb but somethings I see it up to 750 when I have your add on enabled.

antoyo commented 8 years ago

@michaelalandover For your information, the version 2.10 might work with Firefox 38. If not, I am mostly sure that version 2.7.1 will work (it has less features though). If you downgrade the add-on, please check the settings because I don't think the option migration process works backward.

eric-bixby commented 8 years ago

@michaelalandover I have a similar issue with my work computer. We use an ESR version of Firefox that is locked down. We are not able to install add-ons or change certain settings/preferences for IA/security reasons. As @antoyo has stated, it's not a Firefox version issue. Updating will not help you because the issue is likely a feature your IT/tech staff has disabled.

If you are experiencing high CPU/RAM usage, I'm still working on a possible fix. As a workaround, leave the add-on enabled but disable auto sorting. Uncheck the "Auto-Sort" option and then click on the Auto-Sort-Bookmarks icon in your toolbar to manually sort.

michaelalandover commented 8 years ago

I have administrative rights so I installed V48; they just “don’t support” anything but v38. It is working fine now.

I see now; the delay for folders is needed! Nice tough, this explains why I keep having problems creating folders, it cuts me off in the middle of it due to a rapid sort no doubt! Frankly, just a suggestion, I’d give it about a 10 second delay as default!

By the way, don’t know the meaning of the word “recursively”

At first I couldn’t find the Icon in the toolbar, but now I see it to the left of the 3 horizontal lines; it is a little seemingly greyed out. But it works! Yay! As at work I have only 4 gigs of memory. At home 32 gigs so I’ll leave it on there.

I wrote a very positive review, thanks much!

antoyo commented 8 years ago

The default folder delay is 30 seconds. Perhaps you this value was updated somehow.

eric-bixby commented 7 years ago

Closing: Adding back delay preference will be address in #41