eric-bixby / auto-sort-bookmarks-webext

Firefox add-on to sort bookmarks by multiple criteria
GNU General Public License v3.0
112 stars 21 forks source link

Please add Pale Moon compatibility via PMkit #42

Closed LimboSlam closed 6 years ago

LimboSlam commented 7 years ago

Hi there, @antoyo. First off, thanks for your wonderful and powerful add-on. It has relieved many headaches of rearranging and renaming bookmarks. This is definitely an accessibility feature, I hope it can be restored for us Pale Moon users.

In fact, it's been pretty useful at what it does, I had to modify the xpi (adding our own GUID and a lower minimal install/version number) so I could install the latest and compatible version available. Although, that isn't the case anymore since v27.1 of Pale Moon. PMkit, is an alternative library that provides a basic compatibility layer with the Mozilla's Add-on SDK. Many add-ons have already been successfully adapted and work fine in Pale Moon. Thus, it's progressing greatly as another option for our add-on developers.

Additionally, if you could fully and officially support us please, that would be awesome. You can do this by adding our GUID/application block to the install.rdf, fixing any bugs that pertain to us, and hosting it on APMO or AMO. But, that is only one of the options to support us. We offer several other alternatives.

Not to mention, Pale Moon uses it's own layout and rendering engine called Goanna. This was put in place because "Pale Moon is not Firefox, and never will be again." Hence, the UI differences and the in-progress/future Road Map.

-PS: I'm not an add-on developer or in charge of this process, just a Pale Moon enthusiast. You would need to get in contact with Andrew Gilbertson (AndyTheAbsurd) or Lootyhoof (Ryan659), at our forums.

antoyo commented 7 years ago

There is a Palemoon branch in this repository and I once tried to add it to the Palemoon add-ons website but I did not get any answer in the forum. In any case, I am not the maintener of this add-on anymore. @eric-bixby If you are interested, could you please take a look at it. Thanks.

eric-bixby commented 7 years ago

Yes, I'll look into it.

LimboSlam commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry @antoyo, hopefully our team will get it right this time. Maybe @JustOff can help move the process along or answer some questions, as he is the one who made this format possible. And @eric-bixby, the thought is much appreciated.

eric-bixby commented 7 years ago

@LimboSlam, It's done and will be available in release 2.10.12:

LimboSlam commented 7 years ago

Thanks @eric-bixby! It's much appreciated. :+1:

I have posted the good news on our forums, so maybe aspect a rise in consumer use and bug reports. :)

Lootyhoof commented 7 years ago

If you require this to be added to the Pale Moon Add-ons Site, let me know and I'll get it added ASAP. On AMO this add-on cannot update for Pale Moon users as PM reports as Firefox 27.9 to AMO.

eric-bixby commented 7 years ago

Yes, I noticed after updating to PM 27.1.1, it is reporting itself as 27.9 (using the user-agent). In the "package.json" file, I specified version >= 27.1.0b1, which should work because 27.9 is greater than 27.1. I looked at the generated "install.rdf" and it looks correct.

However, the user is able to manually able to install the file.

Lootyhoof commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, due to the way that AMO deals with updates, it only looks at the Firefox version strings (which for this is, rightfully, 38.0a1). In this sense it will state that the add-on is incompatible, however as you have found, users can still manually install from AMO (if they are aware it is compatible). However, as this same system is used when probing AMO for updates, it means that any updates will be seen as for Firefox 38.0a1 and above, which Pale Moon does not report as. This means that Pale Moon users cannot receive updates served over AMO (though they could manually install each update if they wish).

If this is not a concern for you, then feel free to carry on as you were, however if you would like Pale Moon users to receive further updates automatically there are two options open currently:

  1. Host on the Pale Moon Add-ons Site: This brings exposure to Pale Moon users who are kept safe in the knowledge that the add-on will remain compatible so long as it is listed on the site. We provide our own automatic update system in this instance, such that all that needs to be done by the developer is upload the new XPI (could be the same as the AMO version) and change some metadata on the server side.

  2. Host elsewhere (e.g. GitHub), and provide an update.rdf file somewhere so that users can still keep updated. This way you have full control over the update infrastructure. If you wish we can still list this type of add-on on the Pale Moon Add-ons Site, but link to the external hosting rather than provide a traditional add-on listing (i.e. AMO-style).

If either of these are of interest to you, let me know and I can get things arranged for you.

eric-bixby commented 7 years ago

@Lootyhoof, Option 1 sounds good, if you can help make that happen, that would be appreciated.

Lootyhoof commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I've sent a message to the email address used in your git commits with some details.

For those curious, this is now live:

eric-bixby commented 6 years ago

I've created a new repo for Pale Moon support: