eric-newcomer / favor

An app that helps college students trade skills for services.
MIT License
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Acceptance Tests for All Features #81

Closed rupaltotale closed 4 years ago

rupaltotale commented 4 years ago

Feature 1: Add Service

User Story

As a Cal Poly student user registered with an account on Favor, I am able to post services that people can request in order to earn favors

Use Case

Name "Add Service"

Description User is able to add favors from the profile page or from the navbar

Precondition User is registered with an account and signed in

Happy Path

  1. User clicks "Add Favor" button on the profile page or through the navbar
  2. User fills out form correctly with the right type of input in each field
  3. User submits form

Postconditions Newly created favor shows up on users profile page and other people's home page

Alternative Paths

Acceptance Tests

rupaltotale commented 4 years ago

Feature 2: Request Service

User Story

As a Cal Poly student user registered with an account on Favor, I am able to request services posted by other users

Use Case

Name "Request Service"

Description User is able to request services posted by other users from home page

Precondition User is registered with an account and signed in

Happy Path

  1. The user navigates to the home page
  2. User clicks sign up for a service

Postconditions Status of service should change to pending (sign up button is now a pending button to indicate status)

Alternative Paths

Acceptance Tests

rupaltotale commented 4 years ago

Splitting into different stories instead