As a user registered with an account on Favor, I want to be sent email notifications when someone signs up for my favor and when someone confirms me for a favor so that I am notified immediately of an action, rather than needing to check on the website.
Use Case
"Email Notifications"
Users receive emails notifying them of people requesting their favors and requesters being confirmed.
User is registered and logged in.
Owner of favor can log in
Happy Path or Course of Action
Requester navigates or is on home page
Requester sees a wanted favor and signs up
Owner of that favor receives an email notifying them that someone is signed up/pending
Owner of favor logs in and navigates to profile page
Owner of favor clicks the view button for requesters
Owner accepts pending request from requester
Requester receives email saying that they have been accepted
Owner can view favor requesters and see that they have a confirmed user on profile page
Requester can view favor they are confirmed for on profile page
Alternative Paths
Owner denies requester
No email is sent to the requester
Owner deletes favor after requester has made request
No email will be sent, as no confirmation has occurred
Pending table on profile page drops favor
Acceptance tests
Verify owner of the service receives an email upon a request for their service
Verify the requester receives an email upon acceptance of service
User Story
As a user registered with an account on Favor, I want to be sent email notifications when someone signs up for my favor and when someone confirms me for a favor so that I am notified immediately of an action, rather than needing to check on the website.
Use Case
Name "Email Notifications"
Description Users receive emails notifying them of people requesting their favors and requesters being confirmed.
Happy Path or Course of Action
Alternative Paths
Owner denies requester
Owner deletes favor after requester has made request
Acceptance tests