eric-ycw / wowl

UCI chess engine written in C++
MIT License
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Losses on time with v1.3.8 #7

Open tpoppins opened 5 years ago

tpoppins commented 5 years ago

During an ongoing 40/40 test Wowl lost 25% of games on time. Here is one I managed to capture the log for:

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.12.25"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Vice 1.0 64-bit"]
[Black "Wowl 1.3.8"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A40"]
[GameDuration "00:44:02"]
[GameEndTime "2018-12-25T03:52:52.912 Eastern Standard Time"]
[GameStartTime "2018-12-25T03:08:50.738 Eastern Standard Time"]
[Opening "Modern defense"]
[PlyCount "79"]
[Termination "time forfeit"]
[TimeControl "40/1320"]

1. d4 {book} g6 {book} 2. e4 {book} Bg7 {book} 3. Be3 {book} d6 {book}
4. c3 {book} Nd7 {book} 5. Bc4 {book} Ngf6 {book} 6. Nd2 {+0.45/10 38s}
Nb6 {-0.10/12 38s} 7. Bd3 {+0.45/11 38s} Ng4 {-0.25/13 38s}
8. Bg5 {+0.40/10 38s} d5 {-0.20/13 38s} 9. h3 {+0.55/9 38s} dxe4 {-0.06/14 38s}
10. Nxe4 {+0.42/10 38s} Nf6 {-0.04/14 39s} 11. Nf3 {+0.47/10 38s}
Nxe4 {-0.04/14 39s} 12. Bxe4 {+0.42/10 38s} Qd6 {-0.10/13 40s}
13. O-O {+0.60/9 38s} h6 {0.00/12 40s} 14. Bh4 {+0.70/10 38s} f5 {-0.20/14 40s}
15. Bg3 {+0.72/11 38s} f4 {-0.32/14 39s} 16. Bh2 {+0.72/10 38s}
O-O {-0.54/13 39s} 17. Qb3+ {+1.15/11 38s} Be6 {-0.28/14 39s}
18. Qc2 {+1.15/10 38s} Bf5 {-0.28/14 39s} 19. Nh4 {+1.38/11 38s}
Bxe4 {-0.08/14 39s} 20. Qxe4 {+1.40/12 38s} Kh7 {-0.15/13 38s}
21. Qxb7 {+1.63/10 38s} Nd7 {-0.10/13 38s} 22. Qe4 {+1.72/10 38s}
Rab8 {-0.12/12 38s} 23. Rab1 {+1.75/10 38s} Rb6 {-0.03/11 38s}
24. Rfe1 {+1.80/11 38s} e5 {-0.18/13 38s} 25. dxe5 {+1.80/12 38s}
Qxe5 {-0.34/13 38s} 26. Nf3 {+1.85/11 38s} Qa5 {-0.61/13 38s}
27. Qc4 {+1.95/10 38s} Rd6 {-0.88/13 38s} 28. Bxf4 {+2.65/10 38s}
Nb6 {-1.50/14 38s} 29. Qe4 {+2.65/11 38s} Rd7 {-1.57/13 38s}
30. a3 {+2.55/10 38s} Qa4 {-1.17/12 38s} 31. Qxa4 {+2.65/11 38s}
Nxa4 {-1.60/15 38s} 32. Re4 {+2.60/13 38s} Nc5 {-1.72/15 37s}
33. Rc4 {+2.75/12 38s} Rf5 {-1.72/13 37s} 34. Be3 {+2.65/11 38s}
Nd3 {-1.75/14 37s} 35. Ne1 {+2.65/11 38s} Ne5 {-1.75/13 37s}
36. Ra4 {+2.90/12 38s} a5 {-1.58/13 36s} 37. g4 {+3.00/12 38s}
Rff7 {-1.58/14 36s} 38. Rxa5 {+3.20/12 38s} Nc4 {-1.64/15 35s}
39. Ra4 {+2.95/13 38s} Nxe3 {-1.40/15 34s}
40. fxe3 {+2.65/13 38s, Black loses on time} 1-0

Debug log: wowl-138-time-loss.txt

All such time forfeits appear to occur around move 40, at the end of the first time control.

tpoppins commented 5 years ago

Possibly related: a very short loss with White

[Event "Quick Fix RR 40/40 #1"]
[Site "Dual E5-2670"]
[Date "2018.12.24"]
[Round "47"]
[White "Wowl 1.3.8"]
[Black "La Dame Blanche 2.0c"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E20"]
[GameDuration "00:22:03"]
[GameEndTime "2018-12-25T16:16:47.300 Eastern Standard Time"]
[GameStartTime "2018-12-25T15:54:43.773 Eastern Standard Time"]
[Opening "Nimzo-Indian"]
[PlyCount "47"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "40/1320"]
[Variation "Romanishin-Kasparov (Steiner) system"]

1. d4 {book} Nf6 {book} 2. c4 {book} e6 {book} 3. Nc3 {book} Bb4 {book}
4. g3 {book} c5 {book} 5. Nf3 {book} b6 {book} 6. Bg2 {book} Bb7 {book}
7. a3 {+1.01/13 40s} Bxc3+ {+0.16/12 53s} 8. bxc3 {+0.75/14 39s}
Qc8 {+0.22/13 51s} 9. Qd3 {+0.97/12 39s} Be4 {+0.46/14 49s}
10. Qe3 {+0.68/14 39s} O-O {+0.46/13 47s} 11. O-O {+0.60/13 40s}
d5 {+0.23/12 45s} 12. cxd5 {+0.52/14 40s} exd5 {+0.22/12 43s}
13. Qf4 {+0.52/12 40s} Nc6 {+0.40/11 41s} 14. Be3 {+0.36/12 41s}
Ne7 {+0.46/12 40s} 15. Rfc1 {+0.29/12 41s} Ng6 {+3.76/14 38s}
16. Qd6 {-4.34/17 40s} Ne8 {+3.83/14 37s} 17. Bh3 {-4.38/15 40s}
Qxh3 {+5.49/13 35s} 18. Qc6 {-4.90/15 40s} Nf6 {+5.89/11 34s}
19. Re1 {-5.30/14 40s} Ng4 {+10.71/13 65s} 20. Qd7 {-6.40/14 40s}
Rae8 {+10.64/12 30s} 21. a4 {-5.00/12 40s} Bxf3 {+M9/6 0.063s}
22. exf3 {-832.85/15 40s} Qxh2+ {+M10/3 0s} 23. Kf1 {-832.86/18 39s}
Rxe3 {+M8/3 0.002s} 24. Qxf7+ {-832.86/16 39s, Black wins by adjudication} 0-1