eric-yyjau / deepF_noCorrs

# Deep Fundamental Matrix Estimation without Correspondences
12 stars 4 forks source link norm methods #3

Open eric-yyjau opened 4 years ago

eric-yyjau commented 4 years ago
    # Normalize F-matrices
    if norm == "abs":
        print("[data loader] Use max abs value to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.abs(Y).max(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "norm":
        print("[data loader] Use L2 norm to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.linalg.norm(Y, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "last":
        print("[data loader] Use last index to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (Y[:,-1].reshape(-1)[np.newaxis,1] + 1e-8)
        raise Exception("Unrecognized normalization methods:%s"%norm)

Which normalization is used by default in the paper?