eric612 / Caffe-YOLOv3-Windows

A windows caffe implementation of YOLO detection network
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How do i transform image data to lmdb on windows #14

Closed zhangcj13 closed 5 years ago

zhangcj13 commented 5 years ago

hello: I want to train my own yolov3 model, I do't know how to get the lmdb data. In caffe, it has converts_imageset, but I doubt it may not be suitable for yolo3 or ssd train data. So How do i transform image data to lmdb on windows

wenhaopeter commented 5 years ago

I want to know that.

wenhaopeter commented 5 years ago

can i use convert_annoset.exe directly to convert data?

eric612 commented 5 years ago

Currently , it can't produce lmdb from this project . but @wenhaopeter is right , you can write a cmd script and then call conver_annoset.exe , just like and

wenhaopeter commented 5 years ago

I have successfully converted the data. When i train the net using the "examples\train_yolov3_lite.cmd"(i changed the weight=mobilenet_yolov3_lite_deploy_iter_50000.caffemodel) , i have the problem about the value of mAP is always zero,and appearing "Missing true_pos for label" but the loss has been reduced .what is the problem ? I want to get the value of mAP.

wenhaopeter commented 5 years ago


wenhaopeter commented 5 years ago

sorry, I had a problem with my script,and my problem has been solved.

zhangcj13 commented 5 years ago

@eric612 thx,“using create_annoset to make a windows bat file” this method can make lmdb data on widows