eric612 / Caffe-YOLOv3-Windows

A windows caffe implementation of YOLO detection network
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Question about imagedemoOpenCV #15

Open CalvinPaean opened 5 years ago

CalvinPaean commented 5 years ago

Hi I really appreciate what you did.

I successfully built this project, but when I ran "demo_yolo_lite.cmd", I got the following error:

Could you help me? Thanks a lot.

VeryVery commented 5 years ago

Fix the line 392 in ssd_detect.cpp

// char buf[1000]; // sprintf(buf, "%s/*.jpg", indir); // cv::String path(buf); //select only jpg


cv::String path("D:/Test_Data/yolo/*.jpg"); // the path u want to detect

yuqing-zn commented 5 years ago

Change the line 393 in ssd_detect.cpp // sprintf(buf, "%s/.jpg", indir); sprintf(buf, "%s/.jpg", indir.c_str());