eric612 / Caffe-YOLOv3-Windows

A windows caffe implementation of YOLO detection network
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The convert tools doesn't seem to work #4

Closed HKLee2040 closed 5 years ago

HKLee2040 commented 6 years ago

The convert tools doesn't seem to work. $ python yolov2.cfg yolov2.prototxt

ERROR:root:route layer is not supported ERROR:root:reorg layer is not supported ERROR:root:route layer is not supported ERROR:root:region layer is not supported

HKLee2040 commented 6 years ago

I saw there is reorg_layer in this package. Can you share the yolo prototxt example that uses reorg_layer?

eric612 commented 6 years ago

Remove region layer from .cfg , you will not see the error message. Then you can add "DetectionOutput" layer at end . you can see example prototxt at model/yolo/tiny_yolo.prototxt tiny-yolo (yolov2) download link :

yolov2 weights and cfg without reorg layer(yolov2) download link :

If you want use original yolov2 , you need modify to identify reorg layer ,or post edit prototxt to add reorg layer self , I'm not try this way

Produce weights and models command : python -m tiny-yolo.prototxt -w tiny-yolo-voc-custom_27000.weights -o tiny-yolo.caffemodel

requirement : need build caffe first and specify path or copy python dir. to /example

HKLee2040 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I will try it.