Open RamatovInomjon opened 5 years ago
Hello, I really appreciate your work. I used MobileNetV2_yoloV3_lite version, i saw your prune prototxt and i wanted to know how to implement the process of pruning? I hope to receive your reply. Thanks
Author github :
Code was put here :
And entry points was here :
Modify parameter here (default m2-yolov3) :
Usage :
cd caffe_root
You many need retrain models after pruning
Author github :
Code was put here :
And entry points was here :
Modify parameter here (default m2-yolov3) :
Usage :
cd caffe_root ./tools/channel_pruner
You many need retrain models after pruning
Thanks for your reply! I don't understand one thing about the bias of prune. I used your code to pruned the model, but i cannot get the edited bias. Eg:
train_prototxt: train_prune.prototxt:
biases: 20 biases: 18
biases: 37 biases: 34
biases: 49 biases: 45
biases: 94 biases: 84
biases: 73 biases: 65
biases: 201 biases: 181
biases: 143 biases: 141
biases: 265 biases: 111
biases: 153 biases: 129
biases: 121 biases: 241
biases: 280 biases: 254
biases: 279 biases: 254
Thanks for your kindly remind , I forgot I change the anchors in my local repo , I already update the biases , but I need a few days to retrain models with modified biases , currently I uploaded weights was wrong biases
Ok! I'm training four clases by your prototxt, now i used prune code to get the prune_deploy.prototxt and found the num_output' size is smaller than the group' size in the same layer, eg:
convolution_param {
num_output: 346
bias_term: false
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
group: 384
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "msra"
dilation: 1
I hope to receive your reply. Thanks
Yes , because the code can't automatically modify the group number , but it could not make error from original author's model , he use the different layer "ConvolutionDepthwise", which do not read the group parameter , currently , I modified it manually .
I added a few lines of code after 580th line, i had compared my prune_deploy.prototxt with yours, the group and the num_output is same as yours.
bool overwrite = false; # add_code
while (getline(fin_in, str)){
if (str.find("prob") != -1){
final_flag = true;
if (final_flag == true){
fin_out << str << '\n';
int index = -1;
if (str.find(str1) != -1){
for (auto& r : convNeedRewriteOnPrototxt){
string s = '"' + r.first + '"';
index = str.find(s);
if (index != -1){
int num = r.second.second;
int cut = r.second.first*r.second.second;
prunedNum = num - cut;
nor_flag = true;
if (str.find(str2) != -1){
if (!nor_flag){
fin_out << str << '\n';
fin_out << " num_output: " + to_string(prunedNum) << '\n';
nor_flag = false;
overwrite = true; #add_code
if(str.find("group:") != -1 and overwrite)
std::string previous = str.substr(0, str.find(":")+2);
std::string group_num = str.substr(str.find(":")+2);
int group_num_value = stoi(group_num);
if(group_num_value > prunedNum)
str = previous + to_string(prunedNum);
overwrite = false;
fin_out << str << '\n';
Thanks for your contribution
Hello, I'm bothering you again. I want to change the biases in the prototxt and I use the code from to get the box, but i still confuse about your bias. How can I change the bias if I want to use my dataset to train better ?
You can see this issue :
Author github :
Code was put here :
And entry points was here :
Modify parameter here (default m2-yolov3) :
Usage :
cd caffe_root ./tools/channel_pruner
You many need retrain models after pruning
I just pulled the docker and run everything in the docker, but I failed to find channel_pruner in tools/. There is only a file named channel_pruner.cpp. Does it mean I need to build the repo in the docker?
@zpge cd into caffe root
cmake .
make -j4
@zpge cd into caffe root
cmake . make -j4
Thanks. Actually I found channel_pruner in $ caffe root/build/tools/
Can you share the configuration file used for mobilenetv2-yolov3-lite here? I want to how to do pruning. Is there any guidlines?
Hi , thanks for the great job! I have trained model using mobilenet_yolov3_lite version, model performance is good, but model size is a little big (~26Mb) and speed slower. I wanted know if there is a way prune existing model?, appreciate any advice!
Thanks in advance !