erica-synths / diy-eurorack

Erica Synths DIY Eurorack Modules
597 stars 89 forks source link

Unzip for better version control #2

Open wraybowling opened 3 years ago

wraybowling commented 3 years ago

If there happen to be any downstream improvements, the diffs will be impossible to see. I recommend these projects remain uncompressed in simple folders. Thanks

KoSv commented 3 years ago


truedat101 commented 3 years ago

It seems like somebody outside of Erica should make a fork of the repo (I looked and there are indeed 44 forks), but thus far, there has only been a single contribution. I think I have a fork. I will look into making some of these easier repository changes like unpacking all of the components in my fork. I thought it was unusual to just upload zips, as if the open source dump was done in a hurry.

truedat101 commented 3 years ago

I looked through about 20 of the forks and there were no improvements, no one has touched their forks, probably partially because the way the open source dump got done, it makes contribution somewhat difficult.