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02 - HelloWorld2 to work after Refactor > Convert to Objective-C ARC... #18

Closed jamad closed 12 years ago

jamad commented 12 years ago

I am trying to create the new project from scratch referring to 02-HelloWorld2 sample.

Because '@autoreleasepool' is used instead of 'NSAutoreleasePool' lately, I tried to convert the sample to see how it works. Actually, the build was finished with 'No issues' but the screen looks black screen. Then I checked the debug output to find the following message.

"Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch"

What should it be arranged to work like before refactor?


erica commented 12 years ago

See the 05 cookbook samples (same place, new repository) -- E

On Nov 12, 2011, at 10:45 AM, jamad wrote:

I am trying to create the new project from scratch referring to 02-HelloWorld2 sample.

Because '@autoreleasepool' is used instead of 'NSAutoreleasePool' lately, I tried to convert the sample to see how it works. Actually, the build was finished with 'No issues' but the screen looks black screen. Then I checked the debug output to find the following message.

"Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch"

What should it be arranged to work like before refactor?


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jamad commented 12 years ago

I could not find the solution in the book iPhone 3.0 SDK. Do you mean the sample in the chapter 5 Working with View Controllers? I need to know which page you meant by "(same place, new repository)".

erica commented 12 years ago

Same place ( New repository (ios 5 cookbook)

-- E

On Nov 16, 2011, at 2:46 PM, jamad wrote:

I could not find the solution in the book iPhone 3.0 SDK. Do you mean the sample in the chapter 5 Working with View Controllers? I need to know which page you meant by "(same place, new repository)".

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jamad commented 12 years ago

Referring iOS-5-Cookbook > C05 > 01-Basic Menu, I could solve the issue by moving UIWindow * window declaration part from @implementation to @interface of Delegate. Thanks for your hint.