ericabouaf / wireit

A javascript wiring library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages or graphical modeling.
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Wire labels #2

Open ericabouaf opened 15 years ago

ericabouaf commented 15 years ago

Attach a DOM element to the wire that can contain some informations. Use ful for modeling (adding liaisons informations)

Need a way to add a description to a wire like 1,2,3 for numbering or anything else as a text.

LeifW commented 15 years ago

This would be very useful for representing a core XProc feature: Pipeline inputs can have a "select" statment on them, that filters which part of that pipe you want to to use as the input of your container. I was thinking something like this would be handy for representing that.

ericabouaf commented 15 years ago

Maybe it's more fit into a "Terminal" Label ? I think we need both: to be able to add a label on a Terminal (at both ends of the Wire) or a label in the "middle" of the wire. What do you think ?

Do you need your "select" statement to be editable ?

rjurney commented 15 years ago

Editable would be helpful, but static would work for me.

LeifW commented 14 years ago

In the XProc language, the XPath "select" statements are in the terminal that connects to the the output of the pipe. As in:

/p:input which describes a couple containers connected to the same input terminal. So maybe for XProc they'd fit best on a terminal, since they apply to everything coming in through that terminal, even on multiple wires connected to it. And yeah, I think they would need to be editble at some point. Also, another great use for a feature like this might be in applying WireIt to RDF. Say, to build a SPARQL query editor or even just a data editor, so regular folk can edit data and build querys without learning all that syntax. RDF is just a graph with labeled edges, so a GUI where you select some objects and select some labeled relations between them might be a nice way to work with it.
DerManoMann commented 14 years ago

I support this request. We ended up patching Terminal.js...

// new element label on options setOptions: this.options.label = options.label || "";

// create label for terminal (similar to a radio box label, I guess...) render:

      var label ='div');
ericabouaf commented 14 years ago


LeifW: totally agree for RDF ! Although we would need to be able to connect two nodes with multiple wires (you can have multiple relations between the same subject/object)

DerManoMann: Indeed we need both Wire labels AND Terminal labels. I'll add this in edge branch. (otherwise you could fork the project...)

I made another version in a project using WireIt that used the YUI tooltip (so it can display much more infos thant the browser label...)

DerManoMann commented 14 years ago

tooltips are perhaps an idea. Using the edge branch I managed to get what I want by extending the used Terminal class and overriding the render() method. However, since I also needed to move the place where the terminals are added to the DOM I ended up also overriding the remove() method. All not too bad, however it doesn't feel right to cut&paste two methods just to replace a single line ine each.

All in all I think the edge branch is a lot easier to customize, so good work!

I am not checking the branch that often, so if you could update this thread once the label stuff is checked in that would be great.

ericabouaf commented 14 years ago

Hi again,

I finally added the label options on Wires ! It's using the DOM (not writing on the canvas element). You can customize the style of the div, and, even more awesome, it's editable.

Using the inputEx "in-place-edit" field, you can click on the label and customize the editor using an inputEx field ! (so awesome...) The value is returned as a wire property (just in the Layer for now, I'm adding it to the WiringEditor...) I set up a quick example, where you can click on the "test" label and edit it using a select:

By the way, I just commited a huge change for WireIt on the edge branch: it's now using default options in the prototype of the classes, which means you can override them globally or just in a child class. As it is also supported by YUI doc, the API documentation is also much more usable for those properties :

I'm almost done for 0.6.0 ;)

ellahikamran commented 13 years ago

Thanks i got it to work with version 0.5.0 , most of the drawing is working fine for me what i need to know now is I have made the following changes ,

  1. I have added a input ex inPlace edit to image container so we can label the image .
  2. I have added a input ex inPlace edit to the wire module Now on the editor when i click save the system saves the drawing into the database and when i load the drawing the container objects(image and wire ) appear fine but with the labels. What and where i should make the change to have the save and load function save and show my labels

Place below is my ImageContainer.js file content

/*** /**

YAHOO.lang.extend(WireIt.ImageContainer, WireIt.Container, {

/* * @method setOptions * @param {Object} options the options object / setOptions: function(options) {, options);

  this.options.image = options.image;
  this.options.xtype = "WireIt.ImageContainer";

  this.options.className = options.className || "WireIt-Container WireIt-ImageContainer";

  // Overwrite default value for options:
  this.options.resizable = (typeof options.resizable == "undefined") ? false : options.resizable;
  this.options.ddHandle = (typeof options.ddHandle == "undefined") ? false : options.ddHandle;


/* * @method render / render: function() {; YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.bodyEl, "background-image", "url("+this.options.image+")"); this.labelField = new inputEx.InPlaceEdit({parentEl: this.bodyEl, editorField: {type: 'string'}, animColors:{from:"#FFFF99" , to:"#DDDDFF"},className:"inputEx-Imglabel" }); this.labelField.setValue(this.label); }

}); ****/