ericberman / MyFlightbookWeb

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Tracking sheets for student progress #333

Open ericberman opened 5 years ago

ericberman commented 5 years ago

From a user:

One thing I've been missing as a CFI as far as tools are concerned is a way to track progress of individual students. I started custom-building some tracking sheets on which I could rate the students performance for each flight, but it is all paper-based. Then I thought: with a small extension of the data model, myflightbook is almost there from a data model perspective. If only each maneuver in flight properties allowed the capture of a score, it would be relatively easy to generate a student score card, where one could represent for instance: how often did we practice each maneuver, when was the last time, what is the latest score and the highest score.

Wanted to get your thoughts, and if this is something anyone would consider developing (or if I should make this a project for myself to develop as an extension).

Seems to me that this could be tied to templates, where you create a template and a set of comments/scores, and then tie that to a student. Template = what you're training for.

ericberman commented 3 years ago

Another way to do this would be to incorporate the checklist feature? Let the CFI create a checklist and associate it with the student? Would need to be able to persist the items that have been done...

Fuchur777 commented 3 years ago

Close to what we are looking for.

I would make this part of the signing of a flight as is already implemented. EASA tells us to follow approved CAA trainingprograms. If we could upload a trainingprogram with all the excersizes and can select the excersizes that the student passed on the flight, while signing for it. MyFlightbook will tackle that administrative part as well.

In a way it is on extention of the ratingprogress functionality.

If I need to supply a CSV with some trainingprograms happy to generate some.

Fuchur777 commented 3 years ago

Sample Training program progress card used in NL for NL.SFCL.SPL license.

TP source

ericberman commented 3 years ago

I wonder how much of this is overkill - can't you put this information into the instructor remarks when signing? Or are you looking for the system to track which ones have been completed across multiple flights? If the latter, then indeed instructor remarks are insufficient, but the complexity goes way up.

Fuchur777 commented 3 years ago

Under EASA training there are two things obligatory

  1. Sign off flights
  2. Sign off exercises in from the training program.

The later is hard to do in the flight entry of the logbook.

So yes this does complicate things a bit. But is useful for all training under EASA regulations.

If the instructor could upload a training program template and link it to a student. Where only FIs can sign off exercises and view the progress somewhere we are there.

Happy to provide a design that could fit myflightbook. Let me know if needed.