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Create a pending flight when bulk uploading telemetry #607

Closed KayRJay closed 4 years ago

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

I lent my plane to my CFI, and he took 6 flights over a few days. I downloaded the telemetry from Flightaware. I did not individually enter the flights, so there were non-matches when I tried the buklk upload.

It would be nice to create pending flights when telemetry doesn't match, so I could more easily create flights for them based on the telemetry data.

ericberman commented 4 years ago

You mean like this?

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

Yeah … maybe it’s time to move that from the playpen! Seems like a nice feature.

On May 23, 2020, at 4:13 PM, Eric Berman wrote:

You mean like this? — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

Question: why does a pending flight created from an uploaded telemetry file have only the departure airport, and not a complete route?

ericberman commented 4 years ago

It all depends on the telemetry and what I detect. If I don't detect a landing at a different airport, I don't append it.

Are you asking about the flightaware data? If so, in taking a cursory glance at it:

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

I guess that all makes sense. But at this stage of my (very long!) training, a majority of my flights are indeed KHCR-KCHR. It's good that you don't include all the touch and go's but it does seem odd to have only a takeoff and not a landing. I certainly hope never to have that situation in real life: I want the same number of landings as takeoffs!

ericberman commented 4 years ago

I've never bothered including takeoffs in autofill other than night takeoffs. There are so many, and most pilots never bother recording takeoffs (except night, and even those I allow night currency with just landings and give a warning if I find no night takeoffs).

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

Really? I would think every route began with a takeoff. Why wouldn't that be something users record?

ericberman commented 4 years ago

I think the fact that pretty much every flight begins with a takeoff is why - it's kinda obvious you did a takeoff on most flights. And generally getting airborne is no big deal; getting back down is what's hard. Look at most paper logbooks, they don't bother having columns for them. There's a gajillion things you can log, nobody logs them all. Technically, for 61.57(a), you do need to perform both takeoffs AND landings, but the takeoff is often just assumed.

ericberman commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this issue for now; if/when there's demand for bulk telemetry import, it's certainly easy to expose, but for now I think the playpen is fine for it.

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

Sure, it’s certainly not critical, but would help me. I can use it from the playpen.

Re takeoff and landing airports with only one airport listed, of course you can’t tell if it is a TO or landing airport. Makes queries for “landings at airport xxx” inaccurate, but I guess that’s not too big a problem.

ericberman commented 4 years ago

You absolutely can tell. One airport = "it was both TO and Landing airport". KABC = You took off and landed at KABC KABC-KABC - same thing KABC-KDEF - you took off from KABC and arrived at KDEF and so forth. The first element in the is the takeoff airport, the last item (which could also be the first, if only one item) is the landing airport. Completely unambiguous

KayRJay commented 4 years ago

Ok, then. Thanks