Closed ericberman closed 2 years ago
Looks like this code does the trick of reverse engineering the spreadsheet at Need to port to iOS and Android
static public double calcSolarAngle(double lat, double lon, double JD, double minutes)
double julianCentury = calcTimeJulianCent(JD + minutes / 1440.0);
double sunDeclinationRad = degToRad(calcSunDeclination(julianCentury));
double latRad = degToRad(lat);
double eqOfTime = calcEquationOfTime(julianCentury);
double trueSolarTimeMin = (minutes + eqOfTime + 4 *lon) % 1440;
double hourAngleDeg = trueSolarTimeMin / 4 < 0 ? trueSolarTimeMin / 4 + 180 : trueSolarTimeMin / 4 - 180;
double zenith = radToDeg(Math.Acos(Math.Sin(latRad) * Math.Sin(sunDeclinationRad) + Math.Cos(latRad) * Math.Cos(sunDeclinationRad) * Math.Cos(degToRad(hourAngleDeg))));
double solarElevation = 90 - zenith;
double atmRefractionDeg = solarElevation > 85 ? 0 :
(solarElevation > 5 ? 58.1 / Math.Tan(degToRad(solarElevation)) - 0.07 / Math.Pow(Math.Tan(degToRad(solarElevation)), 3) + 0.000086 / Math.Pow(Math.Tan(degToRad(solarElevation)), 5) :
solarElevation > -0.575 ? 1735 + solarElevation * (-518.2 + solarElevation * (103.4 + solarElevation * (-12.79 + solarElevation * 0.711))) : -20.772 / Math.Tan(degToRad(solarElevation))) / 3600;
return solarElevation + atmRefractionDeg;
Needs to account for refraction, etc. Reverse engineer