Open Qdobbela opened 1 year ago
Thank you for filing an issue! Please be patient. :-)
I know nothing about React Native, though my first thought is that without either browser or nodejs, it's going to have a difficult time working, if it's even possible. Without sourcemaps, I can't really tell anything definite from that backtrace. I definitely don't know what it's referring to for "property 'Image'".
I don't even have any idea which setInputStream() call is getting hit, the one for node or the one for browser. :|
I'm using react native to try to find barcodes in a single image. However, I keep getting this error code and I don't know why. Is it because Quagga2 is not compatible with react native or do i have a wrong src or something? I can see the picture in the Image component when using the same source.
`import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { View, Text, Image, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import Quagga from '@ericblade/quagga2';
function TakenPicture({navigation, route}: {navigation: any, route: any}){ const picture =; const path = "file://" + picture.path;
WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 1): ReferenceError: Property 'Image' doesn't exist ReferenceError: Property 'Image' doesn't exist at anonymous ( at setInputStream ( at value ( at init ( at anonymous ( at tryCallTwo (/root/react-native/packages/react-native/ReactAndroid/hermes-engine/.cxx/Release/4i495j47/arm64-v8a/lib/InternalBytecode/InternalBytecode.js:61:9) at doResolve (/root/react-native/packages/react-native/ReactAndroid/hermes-engine/.cxx/Release/4i495j47/arm64-v8a/lib/InternalBytecode/InternalBytecode.js:216:25) at Promise (/root/react-native/packages/react-native/ReactAndroid/hermes-engine/.cxx/Release/4i495j47/arm64-v8a/lib/InternalBytecode/InternalBytecode.js:82:14) at decodeSingle ( at anonymous ( at commitHookEffectListMount ( at commitPassiveMountOnFiber ( at commitPassiveMountEffects_complete ( at commitPassiveMountEffects_begin ( at commitPassiveMountEffects ( at flushPassiveEffectsImpl ( at flushPassiveEffects ( at anonymous (