ericbn / vim-solarized

A simpler fork of the awesome Solarized colorscheme for Vim by Ethan Schoonover
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Bad output in suckless st with solarized-dark patch #1

Closed jmz-b closed 5 years ago

jmz-b commented 7 years ago

vim-solarized looks like this. for comparison vim-colors-solarized looks like this

terminal is suckless st, with st-no_bold_colors-0.6.diff and st-solarized-dark-0.6.diff patches from here applied.

editor is neovim 0.1.5

for what it's worth, here's my st patch queue

ericbn commented 7 years ago

These are the offended highlight groups I could detect from your screenshot:

:hi Comment | hi Constant | hi Identifier | hi PreProc | hi Special | hi Statement

And this is how they are being defined in ericbn/vim-solarized:

screen shot 2016-11-10 at 7 02 49 am

And in altercation/vim-colors-solarized in my terminal Vim (because t_Co is defined as 256):

screen shot 2016-11-10 at 7 03 23 am

What do you get for running the above command with each colorscheme? What do you get for :echo &t_Co?

Now, I'm currently not touching the term attributes in ericbn/vim-solarized. Any change by running the command below or adding it to your .vimrc after setting the colorscheme?

hi Comment term=NONE | hi Constant term=NONE | hi Identifier term=NONE | hi PreProc term=NONE | hi Special term=NONE | hi Statement term=NONE

I could get the same distorted colors as in your first screenshot by running :set t_Co=256 after Vim is initialized... :- /

Can you get the correct colors after running :colorscheme solarized?

ericbn commented 7 years ago

@jmz-b, I was not properly setting the g:colors_name value, which could have side effects. Could you please check if this fixes your issue?

jmz-b commented 7 years ago

Hey man, sorry for ghosting on this issue. i'm not currently using st or nvim for dev. Been given a new machine at work and I haven't bothered ricing yet.

Once things are back to normal with my workstation I'll update.

FYI, i think i recall that shortly after opening this issue, i switched my colorscheme to flattened, which did not seem to have any problems on my setup

ericbn commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for the heads up! If you get the chance to get back to your suckless st and vim, and try the latest version of this colorscheme again, I'll be happy to get your news on the outcome...