ericclemmons / click-to-component

Option+Click React components in your browser to instantly open the source in VS Code
MIT License
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To support apps running in docker containers #58

Open GaitanK opened 2 years ago

GaitanK commented 2 years ago

Your work has been very useful to us and makes our development easy. But there is one thing we felt that can be improved is adding support to apps running in Docker containers. We have our frontend and backend running simultaneously inside docker, so when we try to access a component it returns an error stating "This path does not exist on this computer".

We recommend a feature where we can provide a function as a prop which receives the actual path (in our case it's the path written in docker file) as input and converts that path to our current working directory.

Eg: <ClickToComponent pathModifier={(path)=>{ const modifiedPath = actualPath + path.slice(n); return modifiedPath; }}/>

Screenshot 2022-06-28 at 11 32 40 PM

neo-sam commented 1 year ago

Or modified babel.config.js plugin function:

const oldJsxSouceInjector =
    assertVersion(v) {
      return v == 7;

module.exports = {
  presets: [require.resolve('@docusaurus/core/lib/babel/preset')],
  plugins: [
    ...(process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'development'
      ? [
          () => ({
            name: 'plugin-transform-react-jsx-source-with-realpwd',
            visitor: {
              JSXOpeningElement(path, state) {
                const { REALPWD } = process.env;
                if (REALPWD) {
                  const { filename: oldname, cwd } = state;
                  if (oldname && oldname.startsWith(cwd)) {
                    const newname = REALPWD + oldname.split(cwd)[1];
                    return oldJsxSouceInjector(path, {
                      filename: newname,
                return oldJsxSouceInjector(path, state);
      : []),


pass env var REALPWD=$(pwd) into container, or REALPWD='wsl.localhost//devbook'$(pwd) for WSL

hassanshaikley commented 8 months ago

The plugin isn't working for me with vite 4.

I copy pasted

            name: 'plugin-transform-react-jsx-source-with-realpwd',
            visitor: {
              JSXOpeningElement(path, state) {
                const { REALPWD } = process.env;
                if (REALPWD) {
                  const { filename: oldname, cwd } = state;
                  if (oldname && oldname.startsWith(cwd)) {
                    const newname = REALPWD + oldname.split(cwd)[1];
                    return oldJsxSouceInjector(path, {
                      filename: newname,
                return oldJsxSouceInjector(path, state);

and ran docker with REALPWD=/my/path

But I don't believe the plugin is doing anything because it is attempting to open vscode in the same location as before I added the plugin. What am I doing wrong?

Also I tried installing plugin-transform-react-jsx-source-with-realpwd but it doesn't appear to exist. Am I missing something?