ericclemmons / grunt-angular-templates

Grunt build task to concatenate & pre-load your AngularJS templates
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Bad escapement #3

Closed RogueVoo closed 11 years ago

RogueVoo commented 11 years ago

JSHint throw error "Bad escapement" when i'm run lint task with Grunt

var id = path.relative(base, file);

Variable id contain "backslashes ()" instead "slashes (/)" I think it's result path.relative in windows environement

ericclemmons commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out once I'm back in town. Could you post the full grunt lint output?

Is the issue on the compiled template file, or an issue within the library?

On Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 1:08 PM, RogueVoo wrote:

JSHint throw error "Bad escapement" when i'm run lint task with Grunt var id = path.relative(base, file); Variable id contain "backslashes ()" instead "slashes (/)" I think it's result path.relative in windows environement

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RogueVoo commented 11 years ago

Yes, this issue on the library, because she generate invalid templates Here some lint output:

[L100:C27] Bad escapement.
[L100:C32] Bad escapement.
[L123:C27] Bad escapement.
[L123:C32] Bad escapement.

Grunt task config:

      src: ['src/html/*.html'],
      dest: 'tmp/templates.js'

The problem in the function path.relative and the platform where it is called, in my case it windows7 and nodejs 0.8.14

path.relative('C:\\orandea\\test\\aaa', 'C:\\orandea\\impl\\bbb')
// returns

Function returns string with double backslashes, and when you put "id" in template they escape and turns to single backslash.

I think AngularJS does not work with backslashes in urls and they must be replaced to slashes "/". That work fine at L21 in /tasks/lib/compiler.js

  id:  process.platform === 'win32' ? id.replace( /\\/g, '/' ) : id
ericclemmons commented 11 years ago

Ah, thank you! I missed the Windows reference.

I'll create a fix for this right away!

Thanks for the issue :)

Eric Clemmons Sent with Sparrow (

On Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 9:25 PM, RogueVoo wrote:

Yes, this issue on the library, because she generate invalid templates Here some lint output:
[L100:C27] Bad escapement. $templateCache.put("src\html\item.html", [L100:C32] Bad escapement. $templateCache.put("src\html\item.html", [L123:C27] Bad escapement. $templateCache.put("src\html\list.html", [L123:C32] Bad escapement. $templateCache.put("src\html\list.html", ...

Grunt task config: ngtemplates:{ production:{ options:{ base:'c:/web/project' }, src: ['src/html/*.html'], dest: 'tmp/templates.js' } }

The problem in the function path.relative ( and the platform where it is called, in my case it windows7 and nodejs 0.8.14 path.relative('C:\orandea\test\aaa', 'C:\orandea\impl\bbb') // returns '....\impl\bbb'

Function returns string with double backslashes, and when you put "id" in template ( they escape and turns to single backslash. I think AngularJS does not work with backslashes in urls and they must be replaced to slashes "/". That work fine at L21 in /tasks/lib/compiler.js (
id: process.platform === 'win32' ? id.replace( /\/g, '/' ) : id

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ericclemmons commented 11 years ago

Would you be opposed to simply performing the id.replace across the board (i.e. without the ternary)?