ericdanan / counsel-projectile

Ivy UI for Projectile
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How to view all candiates in custom dispatch menu (counsel-projectile-switch-project action) #145

Closed humanfactors closed 4 years ago

humanfactors commented 4 years ago

When pressing M-o over a project in the list, I can't actually read the entire set of candidate hints. I can't figure out how to either expand this view (strokes result in [bind] not found). Of course, I can look these up in counsel-projectile--defcustom-action but that's not exactly very useful every single time.

The resulting selections appear as in screenshot below for me:


Is there any method whereby I can view all the candidates in a larger view? Forgive me if this isn't an issue directly with this package, I'm relatively new to Ivy.

ericdanan commented 4 years ago

Ivy has a variable ivy-read-action-format-function allowing to customize the function used to format the list of actions. I have the same problem as you with the default function, so I defined the following one to have them spread over multiple columns:

(defun ivy-read-action-format-columns (actions)
  "Create a docstring from ACTIONS, using several columns if needed to preserve `ivy-height'.

ACTIONS is a list.  Each list item is a list of 3 items: key (a
string), cmd and doc (a string)."
  (let ((length (length actions))
    (i 0)
    (max-rows (- ivy-height 1))
    rows cols col lwidth rwidth)
    (while (< i length)
      (setq col (cl-subseq actions i (min length (cl-incf i max-rows))))
      (setq lwidth (apply 'max (mapcar (lambda (x)
                     (length (nth 0 x)))
      (setq rwidth (apply 'max (mapcar (lambda (x)
                     (length (nth 2 x)))
      (setq col (mapcar (lambda (x)
              (format (format "%%%ds: %%-%ds" lwidth rwidth)
                  (propertize (car x) 'face 'ivy-action)
                  (nth 2 x)))
       ((null rows)
    (setq rows (length col)))
       ((< (length col) rows)
    (setq col (append col (make-list (- rows (length col)) "")))))
      (push col cols))
    (format "%s\n%s\n"
            (if (eq this-command 'ivy-read-action)
        "Select action: "
              (ivy-state-current ivy-last))
        (mapconcat 'identity
               (apply 'cl-mapcar
                  (lambda (&rest args)
                (mapconcat 'identity args " | "))
                  (nreverse cols))

(setq ivy-read-action-format-function 'ivy-read-action-format-columns)

@abo-abo: Would you be interested in a PR to include such a function in Ivy?

abo-abo commented 4 years ago

@ericdanan Sure, please PR.

ericdanan commented 4 years ago

@humanfactors The function ivy-read-action-format-columns is now part of ivy, so you only need to customize the variable ivy-read-action-format-function.