ericgoolsby / Rphylopars

Phylogenetic Comparative Tools for Missing Data and Within-Species Variation
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issue with get_cov_CIs #57

Open jakeberv opened 8 months ago

jakeberv commented 8 months ago

I seem to be getting an optimization error with get_cov_CIs turned on (the following call works with it turned off)

phylopars.corr.OU.CIs <- phylopars([,-c(2, 15, 16)], tree = tree.pruned, phylo_correlated = T, pheno_correlated = T, model="OU", get_cov_CIs = T) Error in mvrnorm(n = nsim, mu = p$threepoint_calc$pars, Sigma = solve(-h)) : 'Sigma' is not positive definite

Any suggestions? The dataset is large (> 10,000 rows)

Thanks, Jake