ericgregorich / micro-blog-cards-theme

Cards is a simple theme for
MIT License
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Lingering Issues with version Cards theme 1.8 #22

Open jfmartin67 opened 7 months ago

jfmartin67 commented 7 months ago

See screenshot. Kudos not working (do have use the embed javascript call or should I switch to the official Tinylytics plugin? Not sure anymore. Currently I use the one line javascript call.

The "hover" color on button, hyperlinks is still brown... but I do have a custom config.json file in a custom theme (the only file override) and still doesn't work. Many full site rebuilds don't fix the issue either.

Arc-Blog@2024-02-04@16 16 44@2x

See my custom config.json file:


jfmartin67 commented 7 months ago

Just a new info: when using the dark mode, the hovering color is horored. Weird. Try it with in both modes.

ericgregorich commented 7 months ago

What does you plugin settings look like? There are now two separate "Hover" colors. One for the body area and one for the card itself.

CleanShot 2024-02-04 at 16 42 59

Here is the default config file with all the latest settings.

  "params": {
    "light_body_background_color": "#f7f7f7",
    "light_body_text_color": "#242424",
    "light_body_accent_color": "#446dad",
    "light_body_hover_color": "#d58400",
    "light_card_background_color": "#ffffff",
    "light_card_text_color": "#252525",
    "light_card_accent_color": "#446dad",
    "light_card_hover_color": "#d58400",
    "light_shadow_color": "#a7a5a5",
    "light_card_border_color": "#d5d5d5",
    "light_blockquote_color": "#f8eec4",
    "light_blockquote_border": "#d6a32e",
    "light_blockquote_text": "#2a2a2b",
    "light_meta_color": "#848484",
    "dark_body_background_color": "#042231",
    "dark_body_text_color": "#d2d2d2",
    "dark_body_accent_color": "#16a5d4",
    "dark_body_hover_color": "#e27e2c",
    "dark_card_background_color": "#082e41",
    "dark_card_text_color": "#d2d2d2",
    "dark_card_accent_color": "#16a5d4",
    "dark_card_hover_color": "#e27e2c",
    "dark_shadow_color": "#061d28",
    "dark_card_border_color": "#105274",
    "dark_blockquote_color": "#f8eec4",
    "dark_blockquote_border": "#d6a32e",
    "dark_blockquote_text": "#2a2a2b",
    "dark_meta_color": "#a2a2a3",
    "showReadingTime": true,
    "showFullPost": false,
    "showPostTimeOnSingle": true,
    "showPostTimeOnIndex": true,
    "showPostTimeOnArchive": true,
    "showPostCategories": true,
    "show_category_rss": true,
    "showTinylyticsKudos": false,
    "paginate": 20,
    "sortTags": true,
    "paginate_categories": true,
    "paginate_home": true,
    "paginate_replies": true,
    "headertext": ""
jfmartin67 commented 7 months ago

The config.json file is the one I uploaded (associated with the custom theme that contains only one file). I even tried to change the one from the theme plugin itself to see what would happen and nope... still not working. How strange is that?

jfmartin67 commented 7 months ago

consider watching this short video to have a look at the issue. Thanks.

ericgregorich commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the helpful video.

I think part of the confusion is that the Category/Tag border and text color use the values from the "Card", not the "Body" parameters. I did this because I thought the tags looked better when they matched the Card colors.

Your Card Hover is currently set to #d58400 which is the orange/brown default color.

Please try updating your custom config file and change the light_card_hover_color parameter to your blue #00a3d7 and see if that helps.

CleanShot 2024-02-04 at 17 42 47

Long-term, I'll need to think about this further. My goal was to have a different "accent" and "hover" colors for the Body separate from the Cards. Maybe that's too much? Maybe tags need their own color configuration?