ericholscher / django-test-utils

Utilities for testing Django applications
MIT License
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test maker creates dicts without comma separators #19

Open lawgon opened 13 years ago

lawgon commented 13 years ago

Here is a sample:

def test_incidentrecordincident5_130379586082(self): r ='/incident/recordincident/5/', {'customer': '''is_product': 'on''escalate_response': '24''Register': 'Record incident''source': '1''businessunit': '1''problemdescription': '2''product': '1''escalate_resolved': '36''respcentre': '1''mode': '1''csrfmiddlewaretoken': '7ff2f1bb73f90c033cc1fbf32fde0bb8''asset': ''})

I have to manually add the commas in order not to get a syntax error when I copy to my test file. Is this a bug?