ericmazur / PnPbook

Tracking of typos, errors, and improvements for "The Principles and Practice of Physics"
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conservation of energy ... direct consequences (or not) #189

Open JohnDenker opened 8 years ago

JohnDenker commented 8 years ago

In section 20.5 on page 547 the second sentence says:

ΔE = W + Q (20.1) Remember that this law is a direct consequence of conservation of energy

That's not right. It would be better to say that equation 20.1 is a consequence of conservation of energy plus a boatload of assumptions ... non-obvious and unexplained assumptions.

Similarly in section 9.5 on page 213 in connection with equation 9.1 i.e. ΔE = W it says this equation

embodies conservation of energy

which is even more obviously not right. I am quite aware that many textbooks enshrine ΔE = W + Q (or something worse) as "the" first law of thermodynamics. It's a common misconception, but that doesn't make it any less of a misconception.

On page VII the book promises a "deductive" approach. I'm not sure a fully deductive approach is possible or even desirable, as mentioned in item #187 and discussed more fully at Be that as it may, if there is to be any semblance of deduction or even comprehension, it is important to clarify which equations are true in general and which are brutally stripped-down special cases.
