From @JohnDenker: This one is obviously a typo. I know you know this stuff.
Referring to the Maxwell equations, on page 800 it says:
"Together with conservation of charge, these four equations
give a complete description of electromagnetic phenomena."
The first clause is wrong coming and going. Surely you
meant to say "Together with the Lorentz force law, ...."
a) Conservation of charge is a corollary of the Maxwell
equations. Proving this is trivial -- but interesting.
b) The Lorentz force law is necessary, but it is not
a corollary of the Maxwell equations.
From @JohnDenker: This one is obviously a typo. I know you know this stuff.
Referring to the Maxwell equations, on page 800 it says: "Together with conservation of charge, these four equations give a complete description of electromagnetic phenomena."
The first clause is wrong coming and going. Surely you meant to say "Together with the Lorentz force law, ...."
a) Conservation of charge is a corollary of the Maxwell equations. Proving this is trivial -- but interesting.
b) The Lorentz force law is necessary, but it is not a corollary of the Maxwell equations.