ericmerrill / Banner-Luminis-Message-Broker-for-Moodle

A plugin for Moodle to import Banner/Luminis Message Broker data
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Missing options for settings: XML Parse - Crosslisting when compared to XML Parse - Course #30

Open reldnahcire opened 3 years ago

reldnahcire commented 3 years ago

When using the LMB plugin we're not able to give faculty of cross listed courses the ability to change their course title (helpful if teaching two different versions of the same course (first years only for example) and want to distinguish between them on their Moodle home page). For non-cross listed courses we change from the default setting for "Force Course Name on Update" to "unchecked" or FALSE or no however that is stored in Site Administration -> Plugins -> Enrollments -> Banner LMB -> Settings -> "XML Parse - Course" . This "Force Course Name on Update" field doesn't exist in XML Parse - Crosslisting for us to change it.

ericmerrill commented 3 years ago

This would be a bit more difficult in the current version of the plugin, since we don't know the name of the course at the time it is created - each child course is added one at a time. So each time we add or remove a course from the crosslist, we have to recalculate the title. If I just added that option like the course one, then every crosslisted course would have a empty name basically.

Basically the way to do this, would be to track if the name was ever manually changed, and that that point freeze it from overwriting, but that isn't trivial. I'll have to think about if there is an easy way to add it to the current plugin, or if it will have to wait for the new one, which adds some things that would make this easier.