Open MridulS opened 3 years ago
Should the example present at be a self contained example? A user can't just copy and paste and run this example.
Something like?
from nxviz import lines, utils, layouts, nodes, edges from nxviz.plots import despine import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx from random import choice import numpy as np import pandas as pd def group_colormap(data: pd.Series): cmap = {"a": "black", "b": "blue", "c": "red"} return data.apply(lambda x: cmap.get(x)) # Generate a random network and populate node and edge attributes. G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=20, p=0.2) for n, d in G.nodes(data=True): G.nodes[n]["group"] = choice(["a", "b", "c"]) G.nodes[n]["value"] = np.random.exponential()/10 np.random.seed(44) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): G.edges[u, v]["edge_value"] = np.random.exponential() ax = plt.gca() ##### Part 1: Nodes ##### # 1. Obtain node table nt = utils.node_table(G) # 2. Obtain positions using node table. pos = layouts.circos(nt, group_by="group", sort_by="value") # 3. Obtain node styles node_color = group_colormap(nt["group"]) alpha = nodes.transparency(nt, alpha_by=None) size = nodes.node_size(nt, "value") # 4. Obtain patches styled correctly and add them to matplotlib axes. patches = nodes.node_glyphs( nt, pos, node_color=node_color, alpha=alpha, size=size ) for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(patch) ##### Part 2: Edges ##### # 1. Obtain edge table et = utils.edge_table(G) # 2. Obtain edge styling. edge_color = edges.edge_colors(et, color_by=None) lw = np.sqrt(et["edge_value"]) alpha = edges.transparency(et, alpha_by=None) # 3. Obtain edge patches styled and add them to matplotlib axes. patches = lines.circos( et, pos, edge_color=edge_color, alpha=alpha, lw=lw, aes_kw={"fc": "none"} ) for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(patch) ax.plot() despine() # remove the spines
Should the example present at be a self contained example? A user can't just copy and paste and run this example.
Something like?